Klaine: Double date

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Kurt and Blaine were making out on the couch in Blaine, Sam and Mercedes apartment. Kurt had visited Blaine every single afternoon after school since he moved out of the loft, and it had become a routine for them to either make out or have sex until someone came home. 

Sam and Mercedes suddenly opened the door with chocked faces. "Hi". Mercedes said and chuckled. "Shit". Kurt mumbled and pulled up his pants. "Looks like you were having fun". Sam said and grabbed a bottle of diet coke from the fridge. Blaine chuckled embarrassed.

"We are going out tonight, wanna join us"? Mercedes asked and smiled.

"Yeah, sure". Blaine said and smiled. Kurt grabbed his discarded tshirt from the other end of the room and nodded. "Yeah". He said and pulled on his shirt. 


They found an italian restaurant in the middle of Manhattan and sat down.

"Have you planned the wedding yet"? Mercedes asked. "A little, not much, just who we're inviting". Kurt said and smiled. "I cant believe you guys are getting married". Sam said.

"Its crazy". Blaine said and smiled. "I'm totally going to sing at your reception". Mercedes said and giggled. "Oh most definitely". Kurt teased. "Thanks baby". Mercedes leaned forward and kissed his cheek. They all laughed. "Actually Sam, i wanted to ask if you wanted to be my best man"? Blaine asked. The blondes reaction was priceless. "Are you shitting me right now"? Sam asked. "Nope, i want you and Artie as my bestmen". Blaine said and smiled.

"Dude, you can count on me". Sam said and high fived the other boy. 

"Thanks man". Blaine said. "So Kurt, who's your bestmen"? Sam asked.

"I decided to go a different direction, so my bridesmaids are Mercedes,Tina, Rachel and Santana". Kurt said. Mercedes smiled brightly. "Baby, i love you". Mercedes said. Kurt giggled.

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