Klaine: Obvious Attraction (PART 2)

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It was a hot july afternoon and Blaine and Kurt were sitting outside of Starbucks running lines for the pilot episode. "Maxwell, i think i'm in love with you". Blaine says as Lucas, his role in the show. "Lucas... You're sweet and all, but.." Kurt takes a sip of his non fat mocha before Blaine takes over. "But what, i want you, dont you get it"? Blaine says and crashes their lips together.

"Sorry, it helps me practise". Blaine chuckles. "It's okay". Kurt says and chuckles. Damn, he's a good kisser. "I want you so bad". Blaine says looking into Kurt's glasz eyes. His golden eyes narrowing a little bit. He cleared his throat. "Lucas, it's never going to be just us, Leon is in the way". "To hell with Leon, i want you". Blaine says and crashes their lips together again.

"I want you too, but you're getting married to him tomorrow". Kurt continues, again as Maxwell.

"I cant marry him, its a choice i have made". Blaine reads his lines and sighs.

"Then i'm all yours". Kurt says and looks into Blaine's eyes. They crash their lips together, not only in their roles.


Opening a door while making out was slightly difficult, but managable.

"Blaine, honey is that you"? A female voice asks. "Hey mum". Blaine says, breaking the kiss and closes the door. "Darling, long time no seen". Pamela says and kisses his cheek. "And who's this"? She looks at Kurt. "Mum, this is my boyfriend and co-actor Kurt Hummel". Kurt smiles at the word, Boyfriend. "Aww, you guys are so cute". Another female voice says. "Violet, this is Kurt, Kurt, this is my sister Violet". Blaine says annoyed. "Nice to meet you". Kurt smiles.

"My brother's dating, its about damn time". Violet said and smirked. She shuffled Blaine's shoulder and they both laughed a little. "Come inside, we have fresh lemonade and strawberries if you're hungry". Pam said and followed them to the kitchen. "Great, thanks". Blaine said linking his fingers with Kurt's grabbing two cups and a bottle of lemonade from the fridge.

He made Kurt take the bowl of strawberries and they headed to his room. Blaine placed a sock on the door knob which made Kurt laugh. "What, i wanna see that perfect body of yours". Blaine said and kissed him while looking at him. "Well then". Kurt removed his shirt.

The next year was going to be perfect.

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