Klaine: The boy from the bar

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"Kurt, you have to come inside". Rachel and Mercedes tried to pull their friend into the club.

"No thanks, i'll stay here until you're finish driking or whatever the hell you're doing". Kurt mumbled. 

"Kurt baby, i know you and Adam broke up, but you need to forget him, he was honestly such a jerk". Mercedes said.

"Fine, 1 hour and i'm gone". Kurt said and rolled his eyes.


Rachel and Mercedes had found a couple of cute twin boys on the dance floor, and they were currently dancing with them, while Kurt sat in the bar, occasionally sipping on his Mojito.

"Alone"? A unfamiliar voice asked. "Excuse me"? Kurt turned to see a handsome man in the bar.

"Are you alone"? The man asked again. "No, my friends are dancing with- He looked at them for a second. "Yeah, i'm alone". He continued. "Sorry, about that". The bartender said and grinned.

"What's funny about me being alone"? Kurt asked. "I just think its weird that such a beautiful, handsome man like you, are alone on Valentines day". The man said. Kurt chuckled.

"I'm Kurt". Kurt said and smiled brightly. "Blaine". Blaine said and smirked.

They talked for an hour, until Blaine took his hand and lead him to the dancefloor.

They danced only a very few inches apart, until Kurt got an idea.

"Wanna go to my place"? He asked. "You know it". Blaine said and followed Kurt out of the bar.


The next morning, Kurt rested his head on Blaine's naked chest. 

"Last night were fun". Blaine said and kissed Kurt passionately. 

"I wish we could do this forever". Kurt said and kissed Blaine's neck.

They were interrupted by Kurt's phone ringing.

"HELLO". Kurt said.

"KURT, WHERE ARE YOU, ARE YOU OKAY, WHAT HAPPENED"? Rachel screamed into the phone.

"Wait Rach, are you in the apartment"? Kurt asked. "Yeah". Rachel said confused.

A moment later the privacy curtain to Kurt's bedroom was pulled aside, and a confused Rachel stood in her party dress and high heels. "Hey". Rachel said and giggled.

"Hello". Kurt said trying to cover both of their naked bodies. 

"I'm making brunch, and i would just ak if you guys, maybe wanted something"? Rachel asked.

"Sure". Kurt said trying to hide the fact that Blaine were touching him in places. 

"Ok". Rachel said and left. "Oh god, do that again, it felt amazing". Kurt said and crashed their lips together. "I'll do that with you forever". Blaine said and smirked.

Kurt crashed their lips together and pulled the blankets over their bodies.

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