Klaine: The Surprise

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Blaine succesfully pulled a blindfolded Kurt out of their apartment, and into a cab.

He slipped the driver a note with the adress on it, so he didn't spoil the surprise for his husband.

"Blaine, you know i don't like big surprises". Kurt said.

"I know, but this one is very special for our future, so you will definitely love this one". Blaine answered and kissed his cheek.

"Okay, i guess i can give it a try". Kurt said and giggled.

The driver soon pulled up to a huge house in the suburbs of New York, and Blaine payed him, before helping his blindfolded husband outside.

The house was white with black details, and had big windows with a view of the lake.

As Blaine stepped into the house, he took of the blindfold from Kurts eyes and smiled.

"BLAINE ANDERSON-HUMMEL, THIS IS INCREDIBLE". Kurt said and attacked his husband with a long passionated kiss. "I'm glad you loved it babe, because it's ours". Blaine said.

"I most definitely love this". Kurt said and smiled. "Oh, and the master bedroom is huge". Blaine said and smirked. 

"I can't wait to move in". Kurt mumbled and followed his husband into the livingroom of the house.

"Imagine our kids opening up their christmas gifts and stuff in here, with their adorable pj's while drinking hot chocolate". Kurt said and smiled.

"That'll happen soon, because if i have calculated correctly, Rachel is 7 months pregnant". Blaine said and wrapped his arms around Kurts waist.

"I can't wait to co-parent with you". Kurt said.

"We're gonna be the best dads ever". Blaine said and kissed him sweetly but passionated.

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