Klaine: Morning Routines

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"Who's a good girl"? Kurt hears his husband say. An adorable giggle follows, which made Kurt smile brightly.

For the last 5 months, that had been his natural alarm clock.

He steps out of bed, and kisses Blaine and then Tracy's forehead.

He moves to the coffee machine. "Dont bother dummy, there's a fresh iced coffee with almond milk and a croissant in the fridge". Blaine says and kisses him passionately.

Tracy giggles, which makes her parents giggle.

"When did you have time to pick up all this"? Kurt asks. "I asked Rachel to bring it to me". Blaine said and smirked.

"Well it sure is perfect". Kurt says and begins eating.

"Just like you and Tracy". Blaine says.

"Dork". Kurt says and playfully rolls his eyes. Blaine chuckles.

"I'm your dork". Blaine says. "You sure are". Kurt says and smiles.

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