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The Lima Bean was decorated with cliché Christmas decorations, just like it had been every other Christmas since before Jesus. Silver Christmas trees with obnoxiously sparkly ornaments, was placed in each corner of the bar, and each of the baristas was wearing reindeer antlers, with tiny red bows attached to the center.

The bows were a certain gel haired, bowtie loving, Katy Perry obsessed and former Dalton Academy Warbler's idea, and if he had to say so himself, it was a bloody great idea. He had worked there for three years, and every year it was the same boring antlers, so this year, it was about to change. Luckily, the idea was well received. Except with one certain fashionable, pale, coif haired, musical obsessed guy, who happened to be the boyfriend of the proud owner of the idea.

"Blaine, I just don't think it's a good idea. People are used to the traditional antlers, what if they are disappointed with our new ones?" Kurt had asked his boyfriend.

"Darling, they are going to love them, just as much as I love you." Blaine reassured him and placed a sweet kiss to the center of his lips. "I love you too." Kurt said.

And Blaine was right. The costumers at the coffee shop had given several compliments to the antler wearing baristas, and Kurt had grown to love them much more than he had thought he would. His boyfriend was a goddamn genius.

"I have to say it. You really are a genius, Mr. Anderson." Kurt said and wrapped his arms around Blaine's neck. "Is that so, Mr. Hummel?" Blaine asked and kissed him passionately. "Quit making out, the lady at table five needs a refill." Terry, the owner of the shop said and walked away. "I'll be right with you." Blaine said and grabbed a pot of black coffee. "Kurt, the group at table fifteen ordered fifteen iced coffees, five of them with oat milk, six with almond, two with soy and two regulars." Terry yelled from the back of the shop. "Oh fuck." Kurt said. Blaine chuckled from his table. 

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