Klaine: Dinner party

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Blaine strolled down the hallway, when he saw his breathtakingly gorgeous boyfriend talking and laughing with Mercedes and Tina. He placed his hands in front of the older boys eyes and placed his lips right next to his ear. "Guess who"? He said and kissed Kurt's shoulder. Kurt turned around and crashed their lips together in a hungry passionated kiss.

The girls snickered behind them. "Ready for tonight"? Kurt said resting his forehead against Blaine's forehead. "Hmm". Blaine said and kissed Kurt again.

"What's happening tonight"? They heard Tina asked. "Our parents are meeting for the first time tonight". Kurt said enthustiastically. "Sounds fun". Mercedes chipped in. 

"Well, i'll see you around 5, i have to go home and change". Blaine said and kissed his boyfriends cheek before he dissappeared through the crowd of people in the hallway.

"You guys are so adorable". Tina said and smiled. "I know right". Kurt said and smirked.


"I'm home". Kurt cheerfully said as he entered the Hudmel household.

"Hi honey". Carole said and hugged him. "When does Bee arrive"? The nickname was something Kurt always called his boyfriend, and Burt and Carole had kind of adopted it.

"Around 5". Kurt said and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge.

"Then why dont you go get ready, and i'll send him up to your room". Carole asked and smiled.

"Sounds good to me". Kurt said.  He noticed Finn and Rachel were making out with the door open. "DOOR OPEN". Kurt said and giggled. "Dude, like you and Blaine aren't going to make out all night". Finn said and padded his brothers shoulder. 

"Oh we are, but we both know the basic art of closing doors". Kurt teased. Rachel giggled.

Finn did not say anything, he just closed the door and Kurt laughed.

He found a navy blue dress shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans, which he paired with his favorite black dress shoes and a black tie. He styled his hair to perfection and sprayed some hairspray in it. He did not check what time it was, until he felt a pair of strong arms around his waist and a pair of soft lips on his shoulder. "Hi babe". The boy said and Kurt turned around to see his boyfriend, perfectly styled in his signature bowtie based look, with perfectly gelled hair and a adorable grin on his perfectly soft lips. "Well aren't you a sight for these sore eyes". Kurt said and pulled him in for a passionated, hungry kiss filled with love. 

They didnt know how much time they had been making out, until they heard Carole calling them downstairs.

"Bee, darling". Blaine's mother Pamela said as they entered the livingroom.

"Hey mommy". Blaine said and kissed her cheek. "Son". Frank, Blaine's father said and padded his sons back. Blaine hugged him. "Carole, Burt, it is a lovely house". Pamela said and smiled.

"Thank you so much dear". Carole said and smiled.

Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurts waist and kissed his jawline.  

"Kurt, how is your Nyada application coming along"? Frank asked.

"I'm a finalist, i have my audition in 3 weeks". Kurt said and he could feel Blaine hugging him tigther. "Congratualations sweetie, you deserve to go to that school". Pam said and smiled.

"Thanks Pam, that really means a lot". Kurt said and smiled. 

"Alright, dinner is served". Carole said and smiled. "What are we having, it smells delightful". Pam said and smiled. "We are having roasted parmesan chicken, something Kurt showed me how to make". Carole said and looked at Kurt who was smiling. 

"You know how to cook"? Frank asked the boy. "Yeah, i learned it from my grandmother". Kurt said and smiled. "You can talk french fluently, you sing heavenly, you dress fantastic, you can cook, what can you do"? Pam said. Everyone laughed. 

After dinner, Pam, Frank, Carole, Burt, Finn and Rachel were talking in the living room so Kurt and Blaine sneaked upstairs.

"I've been waiting all night to do this". Kurt said and pushed him down on the bed.

Blaine chuckled and kissed the older man sweetly. They got undressed quickly and pulled the covers up. They laughed between various make out sessions. "Boys, dessert". Burt yelled from downstairs. Kurt took of the covers and found his clothes from the floor.

Blaine was relieved when he realized non of them had hickeys all over their bodies, because that would have been awkward as hell. After they got dressed, they skipped downstairs to join the others. It turned out to be a great night.

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