Klaine: Snowfight

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The beautiful chalet setting was slowly being torn down by the crew of the christmas special, leaving The New Directions standing in the half empty room, not sure what to do.

"I propose we'll go outside, and have a big ass snow fight". Puck said.

"That's not even a bad Idea, lets go outside". Blaine said, sounding like a child on christmas morning.

"I'm gonna stay in here, just call my name when you're done". Kurt said.

"Come on babe, just one round". Blaine said.

"And ruin my facial, no thank you". Kurt said and sat down.

"I'll give you a backrub". Blaine proposed.

"Throw in a round of the most heated sex ever, and i'm on board". Kurt said.

"Deal". Blaine said. He mentally high fived himself and smiled.

"Wanky". Santana said. Kurt smirked.

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