Klaine: First date as husbands

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Blaine and Kurt walked into Breadstix for their first date as husbands. Their hands were intertwined and laughs were shared. "How can i help you guys"? Sandy, the maitre'd asked.

"A table for two, please". Kurt said and smiled. "Yes, follow me". Sandy said and smiled.

They got a booth in the back, which was perfect. "You're extremely handsome". Blaine said and leaned forward to kiss his husband sweetly. "Well thank you, you too". Kurt said and kissed him back. Their fingers intertwined under the table. "I'm so proud of being with you". Blaine said. Kurt smirked. They ordered and sat in comfortable silence for a little while.


After dinner, they walked down the streets of Lima until they stopped by the pond.

"What are we doing here"? Kurt asked. "We are gonna watch the sunset". Blaine said and found a blanket. "Where did you keep that"? Kurt chuckled. "Inside my jacket". Blaine said and showed his jacket pocket. "You're quiet impressive, Blaine Devon Anderson-Hummel". Kurt said and pulled him in for a passionated kiss. Blaine slipped his tongue into his husbands mouth and they fell down on the ground. Luckily for them, no one was around. "That was hot". Blaine said and got up to spread out the blanket. "Oh god, so hot". Kurt said and smirked. "Oh, its starting". Blaine said and pointed to the sunset in the horisont. Kurt rested his head on Blaine's lap.

"Its beautiful". Blaine said and smiled. "Not as beautiful as you". Kurt said. "Cheesy". Blaine said and pulled him in for a kiss. They laughed.

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