Klaine: Post Born This Way

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Kurt stepped down from the stage to greet his waiting boyfriend, who was currently talking to some of the New Directions girls by the auditorium entrance. 

"Hi, Blaine". Kurt said and hugged him. "You were freaking incredible". Blaine said.

Kurt blushed, and hid his face on the shorter boys shoulder. "Thanks". Kurt said and pecked his lips shortly.

"You guys are too cute". Quinn said and smiled brightly. "It's almost impossible to be this cute, it's literally so unfair". Mercedes said and giggled. 

Blaine smiled. "Well, thank you ladies. Now if you'll excuse us, i have to take this handsome gentleman to coffee". Blaine said and took the older boys hand in his. 

The girls cooing was heard all the way through the empty hallways of Mckinley and out into the almost dark Lima afternoon. 

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