Klaine: NYADA

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"3, 2, 1.. cue music, and lets do this". Cassandra July said and looked at the freshman class rehearsing. "Anderson, get your butt over here". She said and waved Blaine over.

"Whats up"? Blaine asked out of breath. "Would you want to be my Dance 101 T.A"? Cassandra asked hoping for a yes. "Definitely, when do i start"? Blaine asked smiling brigthly.

"What about now, i need a refill". She clinked her tumbler. The sound of ice cubes clinked in the room. "Sure". Blaine said and clapped his hands. "Ms. July asked me to help you with some moves, so lets see what you guys have been working on". Blaine smiled and turned on the music. "Since when did you become a T.A"? Kurt, Blaine's room mate asked. "Since, like 2 minutes ago". Blaine chuckled. "Do you might wanna stay around after class, to practise for the mid winter critique"? Kurt asked hopeful. "Yeah, sure, Cassie asked me like months ago, to practise on my moves, so you can just stay around too". Blaine said and did a perfect 4 double pirouette". Kurt looked at him like he was a mini god. "Like what you see"? Blaine teased. "No.. i mean.. yes.. oh my god". Kurt placed his hands in front of his eyes. Blaine laughed. 


Kurt had asked Blaine to "teach" him the dance for (i've had) the time of my life. He knew it from start till end, forward and backward, he just needed Blaine to be near him. 

"Okay, so i'll take you around the waist, and here you go". Blaine twirled the boy around.

Blaine's foot got stuck in something and they fell down on the hard floor. "Oh lord". Blaine said out of breath, like someone had just kicked him in the stomach. They stared into each other's eyes, until Blaine broke the silence with a passionated kiss. When they broke apart, Kurt was speechless. "What the hell just happened"? Kurt asked and chuckled. "I'm in love with you". Blaine said and smiled. They still lay there, Kurt on top of Blaine. "I'm in love with you too". Kurt said and leaned into kiss the other boy. "Oh, and i totally already know the dance, i just really wanted you to be near me". Kurt said and smirked. "Your little tease". Blaine said and kissed him again. 

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