Klaine: Sebastian

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"Honey, we've been here for hours, cant you just choose a pair"? Blaine laughed.

Kurt had been trying on at leat 20 pairs of jeans in the spand of 2 hours, but he had to give it to him, he looked great in every pair of them. "Well isn't it Blaine Devon Anderson". A familiar voice said. "Sebastian, how are you"? Blaine said uncomfortable. "Great, and i'll be greater if you agreed to go out with me". Sebastian slipped his number into Blaines hand.

"I'm married.. to Kurt". Blaine said and slipped the number back. The second he said that, Kurt stepped out of the dressing room. "Sebastian". Kurt said equally uncomfortable. 

"Hey Kurt". Sebastian said and smirked. "Well, let me know if you change your mind". Sebastian said and did a "call me" motion. "What was that"? Kurt asked. "He just tried to ask me out". Blaine said. "But i love you, and that is excactly what i told him". He continued and kissed Kurt passionately. "Come on, lets go home".  Kurt said looking back to see if Sebastian still was in the store. When he saw him standing by the shirts, he kissed Blaine passionately.

"Wow". Blaine said and they got out of the store.

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