Klaine: Home videos

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Kurt and Blaine were watching a movie when their 14 year old daughter Tracy came into the living room with a stack of what looked like home videos.

"When were you gonna tell me, that you had 14 years of home videos of me in your closet"? She asked and cocked an eyebrow. A trait she had from Kurt. "What were you doing in the closet"? Kurt asked. "I couldnt find my vans". Kurt and Blaine chuckled and smiled at her.

Tracy turned of the movie and put one of the dvd's into the dvd player. The title popped up on the screen; "Welcome to the world, Tracy Rachel Hummel-Anderson". And then a clip of Rachel sleeping peacefully with Tracy in her arms.

"I was fat when i was a baby". Tracy said disgusted. "Every baby is chubby, my love". Blaine chuckled. 

The next clip was Kurt holding a sleeping Tracy while Blaine were whispering behind the camera. "Here we have him in all his glory, Kurt Anderson-Hummel, holding his breathtakingly beautiful baby girl while trying to work on his next Tony winning musical, Pip Pip Hooray". 

"Did you actually win that Tony"? Tracy asked. 

"Heck yes". Kurt said and kissed Tracy's cheek. She rolled her eyes and scoffed. The next clip was from a party.

"Here we have it, Tracy and Aunt Mercedes first encounter". Kurt said behind the camera while Mercedes face lit up on screen. "Damn, Anderson, you and Rach makes beautiful babies". Mercedes hugged the baby carefully. Blaine laughed as his face popped up on screen.

Then a clip came up with a pregnant Rachel sitting on a couch drinking a cup of tea, while Blaine were talking to her stomach. "Hi boo, you can come out soon,i cant wait anymore, i need to see my gorgeous baby girl". Blaine said in a high pitched voice making Rachel and Kurt who was behind the camera laugh. Kurt flipped the camera, so he was shown kissing Rachel's stomach.

"Boo, really dad"? Tracy asked and giggled. "I think its adorable". Kurt said and passionately kissed his husband. "DADS, OH MY GOSH". Tracy looked away in disgust. 

"I think you're adorable". Blaine said out of breath. "Dont do that in front of me". Tracy said and pretended to barf. Blaine and Kurt looked looked at each other, and mutually began attacking the teenager with kisses. 

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