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One week before prom

After his 1:00pm english class, Kurt finds his phone in his bag, and smiles as a text from his beloved boyfriend pops up on the screen; Meet me in the auditorium, now :)

He steps into the auditorium, and smiles as Blaine stands centerstage, filling glasses with sparkling cider. "Hello, boyfriend o'mine." Kurt says and places his bag in a chair front row.

"Well, aren't you a sight for these sore eyes." Blaine says and gives him a champagne flute. "What's the occasion?" Kurt says and takes a sip of the apple flavored beverage.

"Kurt, will you be my date at prom?" Blaine asks and playfully gets down on one knee. "Of course i will." Kurt says. Blaine leans in for a kiss. Kurt smiles.

"Since we both have free periods now until glee club, why don't we take advantage of this empty auditorium." Blaine says and starts kissing Kurt's neck.

"Oh i think that can be arranged." Kurt says. Their lips connect in a heated kiss, and clothes quickly come of.

(Anti) prom night

Kurt finishes the last few details on his "anti prom" outfit, and takes a few selfies just to reminisce about someday in the future.

"KURT, BLAINE'S HERE." He hear Carole say from downstairs. He run downstairs and directly into Blaine's embrace. "You look fantastic." Blaine says and smiles.

"You don't look too bad yourself." Kurt says. He's wearing a tightfitting black suit with, of course, a black bowtie.

"Prom pictures." Carole says and smiles. They do a few poses and then wave goodbye to Carole and Burt.

They meet with Rachel, Puck and Becky at the hotel. "You guys look very fabulous." Rachel says and kisses both their cheeks.

"Let's go, i wanna drink." Becky says and enters the hotel. "I'll second that." Puck follows her. The other three follow behind.

The party quickly turns lame, so when Finn shows up, they all decide to go to prom anyways.

Blaine scares half the student body with his hair, but luckily his boyfriend loves it.

They use the dinosaur photo booth Brittany has rented, and takes a few silly pictures.

They end the night, fucking each other senseless in Blaine's bedroom.

The night turned out better than both of them had ever expected.

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