Klaine: Prom night

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The dinosaur theme actually went really well. Brittany had taken care of everything, from a dinosaur photo booth to a giant dinosaur sculpture in the middle of the gym.

Kurt and Blaine were in the middle of slow dancing to the song Santana and Quinn were singing, when Blaine spontaneously crashed their lips together in a hungry passionated kiss. 

Kurt pulled apart out of breath. "That was so hot". Kurt moaned. "Just a preview for tonight". Blaine said and kissed him sweetly. "Your place or my place"? Kurt moaned into Blaine's neck.

"I think our prom royalties will be at your house, and my bed is calling our names". Kurt laughed.

"Well then, prom is almost over, lets go". Kurt pulled Blaine out of the gym and into the car.

"I love you". Blaine said and kissed Kurt's cheek. Kurt smiled. "I love you too". Kurt said and pulled the younger boy in for a sweet kiss. They looked each other in the eyes for a moment, before crashing their lips together in a hungry kiss. They fell down on the floor of the car and began undressing each other. "B, we are in the parking lot of our high school, i dont wanna risk getting caught". Kurt said but regretted it as soon as Blaine began kissing his neck with passion.

"Screw that". Kurt continued. They had sex for a little while, until they decided to drive to Blaine's place. After an hour of comfortable silence, Blaine pulled the car into the drive way of the Anderson house. "Looks like, nobody's home". Blaine said and turned the engine of.

When they'd climbed the stairs and entered Blaine's room, they fell down on the big fluffy bed.

"Damn, i love your bed". Kurt said. "I love you". Blaine said and kissed Kurt senseless.

Kurt began removing Blaine's suit, and vice versa. Blaine slipped his tongue into the older boy's mouth and Kurt began to suck it. "Dont stop doing that". Blaine said and kissed him again more passionated. "I wont". Kurt said and kissed him again.

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