Klaine: What should've happened in 5x06

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When I first moved here, I honestly felt like I was Crocodile Dundee.All right, the city's huge, the buildings are huge and everywhere you look it's like there's all these beautiful people who seem to have just come from some secret meeting where they teach you how to make it in the big city. Kurt said and smiled.What if I don't get in? You didn't. Blaine said.You will. And if you don't, it won't matter. Kurt said and rested his hand on Blaines lap.You're a performer. You're gonna find the spotlight. And you can't shy away from your greatness just because you're afraid you're not great enough.You have a gift, and it wouldn't be right to let you hide that away. He continued and smiled.Thanks for knowing me. Blaine said. I love you. He continued.I love you too. Kurt said and leaned into hug him.And we're in this together. I can't stop you from failing but I can promise to make it safe if you do. Kurt said and smiled. And I think Santana should do your makeup. Blaine chuckled.

"You look kinda cute in that shirt". Blaine said ointing a finger towards Kurts purple tshirt.

Kurt leaned into kiss him passionated and they fell down on the bed, making out until Santana walked unannounced into the room mumbling into her phone, completely ignoring the fact that Kurt gave her the deadstare. "What do you want"? Kurt said and sighed.

"I need cash". Santana said and sat down on the metal chair in the corner of the room.

"What, you broke our makeout session for that, cant you borrow from Rachel, or Dani". Kurt said.

"Nope, i already asked Rach and Dani is visiting her sisters in Chicago, she wont be home until saturday, and Rachel told me to ask you". Santana said.

Kurt rolled his eyes and found his wallet. "How much"? He asked pissed.

"40 bucks". Santana said. "Shit, how much of your paycheck have you used". Kurt asked.

"All of it, needed new boots". Santana smirked.

"Here you go, you owe me". Kurt said and pointed for her to leave the room.

"Now, where were we"? Kurt said and crashed their lips together again, making Blaine moan loudly.

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