Klaine: Fame and Fortune

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New York's society families were gathered at the opera, wearing tuxes and fancy dresses.

Camera's taking hundreds of pictures a second, people drinking fancy champagne and eating appetizers. And then there was Blaine Anderson, song of New York's mayor Frank Anderson.

He hated being there. He hated being invited to pointless operas, he did not even see they point of. "Are you hating this too"? A unfamilar voice asked. "Yup". Blaine said and chuckled.

"Kurt Hummel". The man said and smiled. "Blaine Anderson". Blaine shook his hand.

"You're the mayors son". Kurt said. "Yeah". Blaine said and sighed. "Sorry, didn't know it was a sore spot". Kurt said and sipped his champagne. "I know how you feel though, my father owns New Yorks biggest car company, and all he thinks about is how many money he owns". Kurt said looking out at the crowd. "Hummel vehicles". Blaine said and smiled. "Yeah". Kurt said and chuckled. "I dont wanna see that stupid opera". Kurt admitted after a few minutes of comfortable silence. "Then what do you say about going to my place, no strings attached, just watch a few movies, maybe order some pizzas and stuff". Blaine asked. "Sounds great". Kurt said and got up. They sneaked out of the opera, trying not to be caught. 

"So, Kurt Hummel, tell me about yourself". Blaine said and opened the door to the limo.

"I'm 18 years old, i am from Ohio, i love broadway, my dad bought me my very first house when i was 16, i use it when i need a break from my everyday life, so that means 5 times a week. Blaine laughed. "I would love to show you the house". Kurt said. "Arthur, take us to- Blaine looked at Kurt, searching for information.  "18th 5th avenue". Kurt said. "Sure thing, mr. Anderson". The limo driver said and smiled. They soon pulled up to a gigantic city house. "This is where i live". Kurt said and opened the door, revealing a clean black and white hallway with pictures of Kurt and some other people singing and dancing. Blaine smiled. "I was in my high school glee club for 3 years". Kurt said and smiled. "Looks fun". Blaine said and pointed to a picture of Kurt and a brunette singing on a stage. "Thats my sister in law, Rachel". Kurt said and smiled.

"She was in the club too"? Blaine asked. "Yeah, and there she met and fell in love with my step brother Finn, now they're married and are expecting a son". Kurt said smiling. 


They sat at Kurt's bed watching Les Miserables and ate pizza. "I love this song". Blaine said and sang along to Bring him home. "You have a nice voice". Kurt said and smiled.

"Thanks". Blaine said. They sat there in comfortable silence, before Kurt leaned in and captured their lips in a heated kiss. "I'm sorry". Kurt said as they pulled apart. "Dont be, i liked it". Blaine said and they kissed again.

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