Klaine: What should have happened in 6x07

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Blaine ran down the hallway of Mckinley, hoping to find Kurt.He had broken up with Karofsky, cause he had realized his still excisting feelings for Kurt.

 He passed the choir room, where Kurt was taking on his jacket. "Oh hi Blaine". Kurt said and smiled. "What are you doing here"? Kurt asked. God he was handsome. "I just- He was cut of track when a older looking guy with grey hair grabbed Kurt's waist. "Blaine, this is Walter, Walter this is Blaine". Walter smiled and shook his hand. "Neat bowtie". He said. Blaine suddenly remembered that it was the bowtie he wore for his proposal. "Thanks". Blaine said quietly.

"You wanted me for something"? Kurt asked. "Yeah, can i talk to you"? Blaine said and Kurt followed him to the mens bathroom. "I realized that after i kissed you, feelings came rushing back". Blaine said and sighed. "And i realized that you are the love of my life". Kurt smiled and looked at his shoes. "And when we kissed in that elevator, something happened inside of me, i actually have wanted to kiss you ever since". He admitted, expecting to make Kurt annoyed, but was surprised by a pair of lips on his own. He moaned. "What about Walter"? He asked.

"Screw him, i have you now". Kurt kissed him again. Blaine laughed into the kiss.

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