Klaine: Tight And Gold

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Kurt had done it. He had auditioned for Nyada. The preasure was of his chest.

He stood in the boy's bathroom at Mckinley, fixing his hair when his boyfriend came in.

"Hi". Kurt said and turned around facing the smiling boy. "That was SO hot". Blaine said and looked at Kurt's tight pants. "I figured that you'd like it". Kurt teased. "Liked it?, I LOVED IT". Blaine said and crashed their lips together in a heated kiss. "My dad and Carole are out tonight, would you like to come over"? Kurt said. Blaine just nodded vigoresly and smiled.

"Oh and also, i have no underpants on inside these pants". Kurt said and began to leave the bathroom. Blaine followed him, incredibly turned on. "So hot". He said as he reached the older boy in the hallway. 


Kurt made sure that he opened the door with only those pants on when Blaine came over.

There was a knock on the door, and he checked the small window to check if it was Blaine. It was. He opened and there he was. "H-Hi". Blaine stood there speechless. "Hi". Kurt rested his head and arm against the door frame seductively. "Come inside". Kurt said. "Th-Thanks". Blaine couldn't hold it in any longer. He crashed their lips together. "Follow me". Kurt said and lead them to the bedroom. Thanks goldpants! Blaine thought to himself.

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