Klaine: AU 6X05

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They had kissed. To get out of an elevator. Blaine looked at Kurt, and after a split second of confusion they crashed their lips together again. 

"I'm in love with you". Blaine said resting his forehead against Kurts.

"I'm in love with you too". Kurt said and scoffed a laugh.

"I feel weird about Sue maybe watching us from her office". Blaine said holding Kurts hand.

"Well, why dont we give her what she wants". Kurt said and smirked.

Blaine scoffed out a laugh. They fell down on the floor and began making out.

"Yesssss Klaine". The Sue doll yelled. "You are now free to go". The elevator door opened and Rachel and Sam stood there with open mouths. "Hi". Rachel said.

"Hello". Blaine said awkwardly, pretending Kurts hand was not in his pants. It was hard. Pun intended.

The rest of the day, Rachel and Sam quizzed the boys about their elevator smut.

Blaine and Kurt didn't listen. They were caught in each others eyes and well.. mouths...

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