A Item For The Bucketlist

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Blaine was alone in the choir room before glee club, when he suddenly felt a pair of strong arms around him. "Guess who?" The voice said covering his eyes while sucking his neck till a blueish purple mark were formed. "Oh hi, Sam." Kurt slapped him playfully and placed himself in his lap.

"How are you?" He asked. Kurt shrug his shoulders. "Less talking, more kissing." He smirked and kissed his boyfriend. Blaine was in the middle of pulling off Kurt's shirt, when they were interrupted by giggling. They turned their faces to see Tina and Mercedes. "Looks like you were having fun." Tina said and giggled. Blaine just laughed a muted laugh. Kurt on the other hand were a little more pissed. "Cruel, girls. You couldn't have waited ten more minutes." Kurt said. They both shrug their shoulders with a smirk. "We have a duet to practise." Mercedes told them.

Kurt stopped the front of his shirt into his jeans. "We'll do it later." Blaine whispered seductively into Kurt's ear. Kurt desperately fought to not get a boner in front of his friends. Too late.

"Blaine, can we go for a walk for a second?" Kurt asked and pulled his boyfriend into the boys bathroom. He pushed him up against the wall and kissed him heatedly. "You're so hot." Blaine said and sucked his adam's apple. "I never thought having sex in the boys bathroom of McKinley was something i could cross of my bucketlist, but I guess I can now." Kurt said and kissed him heatedly. After 15 minutes and three orgasms later, they stepped into the choir room with dopey grins on their faces and hickeys on their necks, oblivious to Santana and Puck's comments.

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