1~ The Fall

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My feet could hardly move from their place on the ledge, I could hear the others at the bottom, chatting away amongst themselves. So they weren't dead. That was a relief. Behind me I could hear the young leader tapping his foot impatiently against the stones on the roof, sighing a little louder with every second that passed.

I hadn't chosen to be the first jumper, I hadn't chosen to be the second jumper or even the third. My fear of heights had gotten the better of me, and I had stayed behind until there were only two of us left on the roof, the leader- Eric- and me. I felt cowardly, and ashamed, my mother would have wanted me to do better, I was lucky she wasn't there to see me fail so spectacularly.

"Don't make me push you, initiate" Eric groaned from behind, I could hear his boots shuffling forward, stalking me before he would reach his arm out and push. I couldn't let him make this easier on me, I had to conquer my fear, I had to do it myself. I closed my eyes and basked in the cold air for one more second, and when I knew that Eric was close, I leapt and fell.

My fall was by no means graceful, my arms and legs flailed around as if there were an invisible rope that I could cling onto. A scream left my lips and followed me down until my body hit a net, I knew I wouldn't die, but it was still a relief.

Holy cow. What had I done? I could have chosen Amity or Candor, in fact I could have chosen any other faction besides the one where I'd have to face my fears, that's what my aunt wanted, she wanted me to stay where I was, she thought I could learn to fit in at Candor. But no, I never belonged, not since the accident. I hear that it's cliche to lose both parents in your own story, but it's not like we plan it out when we're born. They died, and that's my life. Cliche or not.

The net was tugged by someone on the ground and my body started to roll, until I stopped in front of a tanned male with emotionless eyes and a pitying smile "we've been waiting" he said as he helped me down.

I felt nervous, more nervous than I had on the roof, the other initiates were staring at me with their noses in the air, even the Erudite guy who jumped before me looked smug. Yes, I had jumped last, but I didn't think I deserved the crippling looks they were giving me. The leader on the roof fell after me as the tanned man asked my name, I tried desperately not to laugh as I watched him fall through the hole, his arms were crossed and he resembled something like a plank, a deadpan expression sat comfortably on his features.

"Forget your name during the fall?" I looked back at the tanned man, thinking he must also be a leader and moved my focus back to his question.

"Er... my name's... um" I had been told on the train by a Dauntless-born that if I didn't like my name I could choose a new one, he seemed to think I didn't like the name Prudence, but now that I thought about it, a new name could mean a new start. But my mother named me, I'd already let her down in so many ways today "Prue. I'm Prue"

The tanned leader nodded and turned to the other initiates "last jumper, Prue" he looked back at me with a reassuring glint in his eyes "welcome"

I went to join the others but looked back before I did, Eric was perched at the edge of the net, his legs dangling over the edge while his face wore a bored expression, he had been watching us "you done wasting our time?" He asked.

I'm sure my blush didn't go unnoticed, I nodded sheepishly and joined the group as Eric jumped effortlessly from the net. I remembered a time when I was young, when I had gone shopping with my mother and a Dauntless soldier had bumped into us, he stared at my mother for a whole minute with an intimidating glare, when it became clear that my mother wouldn't move he apologised and walked away. My mother had watched his retreating figure, silently, and when I looked up at her I knew that she had seen into his soul "what did you see?" I had asked.

She was silent for a moment before she said "something cold" in a quiet voice.

And just then, as Eric surveyed the initiates- who were flushed from the fall and chatting excitedly- I looked into his eyes and he looked into mine. I could almost hear my younger-self ask "what do you see?"

And in my mind I answered "something cold. Something cruel. Something unforgiving, unmoving, and determined"

Eric's eyes moved from mine and it wasn't difficult to tell that they had left an impression, in my weakest moments, I would see those eyes, and they would look into me and tell me to let go, and I would be forever falling.

"Alright, Dauntless-Born you go with Lauren, the transfers stay here" the other leader shouted, he began to explain that his name was Four, and that he in fact was not a leader, that he usually worked in intelligence but during our training he would be our instructor, as well as Eric. As soon as he had said that, I almost wished I could run and leave, but it was too late now, I had to prove to my aunt and to myself that I could do this.

Eric pissed off somewhere else as soon as Four mentioned a tour, and as he lead us to the Pit I thought about what the Dauntless-born boy had told me on the train, after mentioning that I could change my name he seemed to sense my nerves, he had chuckled and said that training would be gruelling and tough, that I'd want to leave and become Factionless, that I'd want to scream at my instructors, but that if I stayed, it would all be worth it in the end. I wish I had asked for his name now, and I wish that we were being trained together, he seemed like the only friend I had made, and I thought it would be fun to train with him cheering me on, I was oh so disappointed when I realised I'd be on my own.

The Pit was the most amazing thing I had ever seen, the place was a beating heart, with veins that led off into shops and pathways, and pumping through them was the Dauntless community. There was so much life in one place, more than I had ever seen before. People were sparring, play fighting, placing bets and having a laugh, drinking, kissing, falling over. It was like nothing else. For the first time I felt as though I could belong here.

As we were leaving the Pit I made a promise to myself, that I would never be last again, that if I had the chance I'd do everything first, I'd do everything I could to stay in this life. No matter what Four or Eric threw at me, I'd survive.

 No matter what Four or Eric threw at me, I'd survive

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Seven Sins- Divergent/Eric fanfic Book1-2 (complete)Where stories live. Discover now