Chapter- 1

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Naina's POV

It was a lazy day in the busy streets of London. The birds were tweeting, and the rays of the sun were blinding my eyes. "Naina, get up you've been sleeping for such a long time" Ashley tugged at the blanket. "5 more minutes" I pleaded, and covered myself with the blanket.
" That's it I can't handle you anymore" Ashley stomped towards the bathroom, and came out with a jug of cold water. She tiptoed towards me, and poured the cold water all over me.

" What the hell Ashley, is this a way to wake someone up; just wait till I get you?" I hopped out of the the bed and started to chase her. "Please, I'm sorry, but you wouldn't wake up" Ashley was out of breath. I quickly ran and hugged her with water coming out of my clothes.
" I got you now" I whispered in her ear. I moved away, and shut the door of the bathroom.

Sameer's Pov

There was a loud knock outside my room. "Who is it?" I yawned, and rubbed my eyes. The door opened, and to my surprise I saw my best friends Munna and Pandit. "What are you both doing here?" I was stunned. " It's time to get up and have some fun with us, it's been a long time since we've not gone anywhere" Pandit jumped out of excitement. "Where are we going, I need to inform Nanu" I spoke in a rush.
" Sit down, Nanu suggested we should go out somewhere, Preeti and Swati are coming with us secretly" Munna whispered. " Let me get changed" I took out a purple shirt, with loose fitted jeans.

Naina's Pov
I came out dressed in my uniform. " Let's go before we get late for class, or else Miss Hamlinton will make us chickens in front of the class, that's way out of my league; I have a reputation" I grabbed my bag, and ran towards the class with Ashley lagging behind me. We sat in the middle, where Miss Hamlinton could spot us. " I hate math" Ashley groaned. " Why fear Naina is here?" I looked towards her and smiled. "Open your books to page 392, and complete the activity in silence" Miss Hamlinton ordered. " Are you serious, I need to talk?" Ashley murmured. I kicked her under the table lightly. The principal came in, and the others stood up besides me. "Miss Naina Aggarwal, do you need a speacial invitation to stand up?" The principal glared at me. "The thing is why do we have to stand up for every single teacher your not speacial?" I spoke back . He looked back at me with shock written all over his face. I stood up and walked towards the principal. " I know why you came here, let's go to the office shall we?" I walked out of class, leaving everybody confused with my behaviour.
I sat down in the principal's office, waiting for him to explain what was wrong. " You have a phone call from your brother in India, he wants to speak to you" the principal handed over the phone.

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