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Naina's Pov

"Can I go home now I'm tired?" I asked Chachi. I turned around, and walked past Sameer. "Naina, your home is that way" Sameer pointed towards the house where I use to live. I smiled at him. "I don't live there anymore, all of our friends live together now, we moved out from that house" I told Sameer. "Yes, Sameer it's so fun living together" Pandit agreed with me.
"Your giving me shock after shock Naina" he was surprised. "Oh really Sameer?" I moved closer to him. I could see how nervous he was. "Sameer your still very innocent, you've got a lot of catching up to do" I held his hand, and made him sit in the car.

Sameer's Pov

We drove off, it was only me and Naina. "I missed you so much" I touched her hand, and grabbed it. She stopped the car, and looked at me. "Sameer you have something on your face?" Naina wanted to tease me. "Where?" I asked. "Let me do it for you" Naina took her seatbelt off, and came closer. She put her finger on my face slowly going down to my neck. It was blissful, I missed her touch. She wrapped her arms around my neck, and brought me closer to her.

Naina's Pov

I kissed him passionately on his neck, which made him close his eyes, and feel the moment.  He was enjoying it. "How was the shock?" I mouthed into his ear. I sat in my place. He opened his eyes. "That was so sexy" he bit his lip. "This Naina can do anything" I lifted my collor up. "By the way, how much did you miss me?" Sameer wanted to know. That question hit me hard. "I missed you so much, that I started taking anti-depressents, I felt lonely without you, and seeing everyone with thier loves made me miss you more" I started the car again. "Don't worry, I'm back now" he winked at me. "What do you want to do Sameer?" I asked. "I just want to spend time with you every second" he looked me lovingly. I finally reached my home.

Sameer's Pov

I was excited to see where Naina lives now. I looked in front, and I saw a beautiful house, with a garden at the back. We went inside, and it was even more gorgeous. Naina passed me an apple. "Let's go to my room, I mean our room, now that your back" Naina blushed. I followed her, and locked the door. I moved closer to her, and Naina was stepping back. She fell on to the bed, which made me go on top of her.  We looked at each other with ecstasy.

Naina's Pov

I gave the signal, so that what he wanted to do he could do it. He kissed my forehead, then my my nose, my blushing cheeks. I loved it a lot. He made me sit on top of the bed in front of him. He moved my hair to the side very slowly. I know what was coming. He leant down, and kissed at the back of my neck, till my shoulder blade. I've never felt so loved in my life. It took me to a whole other level. I closed my eyes relishing the moment, and my heart strings pulled against one another. "Sameer" I moaned.  "Just enjoy the moment" he spoke seductively. He placed me on to the bed carefully. I just got so lost into his eyes, that he lifted my shirt up a bit. He placed his moist lips on to my stomach, and I went straight to heaven. I got up, and became shy. I opened the door, and ran outside into the garden. Sameer has never become this intimate with me. I could hear footsteps from behind me. I turned around, and Sameer was standing.

Sameer's Pov

"Sameer catch me if you can" she pulled her tongue out, and started running. I chased after her, but she was too quick for me. I pretended to fall. She looked back at me. "Sameer, are you alright?" She came to check up on me. I grabbed her by the waist so that she was on top of me. "Sameer, your such a drama king" she complained. I moved her hair, to the back of her. "I'm crazy for you, I just want you in my arms forever" I started laughing. "Your so mad" she tapped me lightly on the head. Naina got off of me, and started doing push-ups.

Naina's Pov

I started doing my Push-ups normally. Sameer looked at me to see how strong I was. "Naina, I've always noticed that you love exercise" Sameer asked cutely. "I'm a fitness freak, it helps to reduce stress, and build endorphins" I replied back at whilst I was doing my exercise. "You have to stay active, and healthy if I'm a C.I.D officer" I elobarated. I stood up, and did my jogging round the garden. Sameer started following me, but he got out of breath. "I can't do it anymore" he panted. I started laughing, and went up to him. "It's ok, it's takes time, do it slowly lightly jog, then you won't be in this state" I explained to him. I connected my hand with his, and showed him how to jog.

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