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Naina's Pov

I had arrived at Sameer's house for the second time. But this is where I would be living with him, and Nanu. Nanu had stepped inside to bring the pot of rice, and the red colour for my feet to enter the house. " I'm so excited for the Suhaagraat" Sameer whispered in my ear. "We still have time for that, we need to do a few rituals, then you can do your favourite part" I looked up at him. Nanu had arrived, with the arrangements. "Let me do your aarti, and knock the pot of rice over with your right foot, and then dip your feet in the colour, I will tell you everything else after that" Nanu explained to me. I followed Nanu's instructions. "Well done dear" Nanu praised me. I took his blessings. "Can I take Naina to my room?" Sameer was getting impatient. "Ahem, Ahem" I coughed to cover Sameer's excitement. "Sameer, there's still another ritual to do, which is who can find the ring, and whoever finds it they will rule the house" I was happy to know this.

Sameer's Pov

When will we get our alone time? How many rituals are there? "This is the last ritual" Naina looked ahead. "How did you know what I was saying?" I looked dumbfounded. "Heart to heart connection, I know what your thinking, and feeling, your face says it all, and your yearning for me" Naina whispered in my ear. We sat down for the ring- finding ceremony. Nanu dropped the ring in a huge golden bowl, which was milk, and rose petals. "Sameer and Naina find the ring now" we both placed our hands in the milk. I just wanted to hold Naina's hand. I caught her hand, and grabbed on to it. Naina looked at me, but the ring was in her hand. I used my eyes, to tell her we would hold the ring together. "Come on, anyone one of you show me the ring" Nanu was clapping.
We both lifted up the ring together. "The first time I'm seeing this, normally the bahu lifts it up" Nanu explained. "Nanu, you know very well our love story is different, I'm an extrovert, and Sameer is a introvert, but that's what makes us unique, and we will both rule the house" Naina winked at me. "Your absolutely correct" Nanu agreed with me. We all stood up. "Sameer, you know our family tradition, and I'm going to sleep" Nanu left. I lifted Naina up, and carried her towards our room, I closed the door with my foot, and placed Naina on the bed gently.

Naina's Pov

This is it, I get to spend my whole life with Sameer. I sat on the centre of the bed looking in front. Sameer came over to me, and my heart sped up. He took the veil off of my head, slowly. I looked up at him, and I saw pure love in his eyes. "Those eyes are made just for me, whenever I look at them, I always get lost" I spoke without hesitation. "Sameer, you have every right on me, and I don't mind whatever you want to do I will accept it, but please be gentle, and if I don't like it I will tell you" I held on to his hand. "Naina, I love you so much, and you have the rights on me as well, but I'm still going to be immature" we laughed together quietly. Sameer took my bun off, and my hair was let loose. Whenever he touches me, I feel like going even more closer to him. I felt at ease, as Sameer took my earings, my nose ring, bangles, and necklace off. What is he doing to me? He came behind me, and loosned my strings. I closed my eyes, and with his fingers he romantically made his finger go all the way down my back. I turned around, and hugged him passionately. "Sameer" I moaned. I gently pushed him down on to the bed, and by using my teeth I opened his buttons up. I looked down at him possesively, and bought my lips to his chest. I went all the way to his jawline. "Naina" his voice made me weak.

Sameer's Pov

Naina was about to kiss me, when I flipped her over. "Let me take the lead" we held hands tightly together, and kissed her on her waist, all the way up to her shoulder. "Sameer, your so hot" she gave me a lovebite. With my tongue, I gave her open-mouthed kisses, biting on to her delicate skin. I blew cool air, to calm the pain down. Naina took my sherwani off. She pulled me towards her.
"Are you that possesive about me?" Our lips were so close to touching. "Whatever is mine, I'm not going to let go of it that easily" I placed my lips on top of hers, realishing the sweet taste of cherry.

Naina's Pov

I woke up cuddling next to Sameer. Yesterday was the best day I ever had. I blushed so much. I checked the time, and it was 6am. Sameer is so cute when he is sleeping. I kissed him on his forehead. I quietly got up, and placed a pillow next to him. After I came out of the bathroom, I was wearing my jogging suit, and I placed my wedding dress in the wardrobe. I went into the kitchen, and started to prepare breakfast for Sameer, and Nanu. I had an apple, and I was planning to have breakfast together.
I did a 100 push ups, 100 sit ups, 100 bungee jumps, and finally I did skipping with a skipping rope. Nanu came out of his room, and saw me exercising. He came towards me, and I took his blessings. "You woke up very early today" Nanu was surprised. "Early bird catches the worm" I hugged Nanu. "I've made breakfast, but Sameer still not woken up" I told Nanu. "He wakes up late" Nanu told me. "I love your routine Naina, will you teach me how to remain healthy, and fit?" Nanu asked. "Of course bestie, we will start from tommorow" we laughed.
Sameer had finally woken up. He took the blessings of Nanu. "How was yesterday night?" Nanu asked, and Sameer blushed. "Nanu, you have experience in Suhaagraat, shall I tell you what we did?" I looked at Sameer, and he became nervous. "We kissed" I whispered in Nanu's ear. "What?" Nanu shouted. "It's not a big deal, it happens when your in love" Nanu hugged me. "Next time don't tell me that" we laughed.

Sameer's Pov

"What did you whisper in Nanu's ear?" I back hugged Naina. "That we kissed" I turned around. "What, are you serious?" Sameer placed a hand on his face. "Aww, your blushing, how cute" Naina kissed me on the cheeck, and held my hand towards the table. Naina served us breakfast, and she sat down next to me. "Wow, this is so yummy, when did you learn how to cook?" Nanu wanted to know. "When I was in London, I lived on my own, so I had a lot of responsibility, and I took interest in cooking" I told them both. I drank down two glasses of water without stopping. "What happened?" Naina  asked after wiping her mouth. "Your very health conscious" I  said. "It's all part of my job, I need to remain strong, since I have to deal with criminals" Naina got up and started to wash the dishes. I followed her into the kitchen.

Naina's Pov

I was smiling at myself. I'm so crazy. No wonder Nanu loves me so much. He's not just my Nanu, but my best friend. I started to dance with Sameer, and twirled him around. "Naina, what's happening to you?" Sameer was confused. "I have these crazy moments, and your perfect for me" I replied. "Your so cute Naina" Sameer kissed me on my nose. I got changed into my new indian clothes. I sat down, with Sameer, and we were reading the newspaper, until someone knocked on the door.

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