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Naina's Pov

"Naina, your too daring at everything" Munna stood up. "Isn't there anything which you can't do?" Pandit asked. "Why don't you all test me, maybe you will find out?" I suggested. Everyone agreed to the idea, so that they could figure out what I was weak at. "Officially, today is Naina's test day, remember this date everyone" Sameer wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "Each one of us will give you a test, if you succeed then we are gone, and if you fail in one, then we will get to what your weakness is" All my friends challenged me. "I'm so ready for it, bring on the challenge" I shook everyone's hands.

Swathi's Pov
"So you have an hour to do a maths test, it has around 75 mixed questions, if you complete them all under an hour then I'm definitely on your side, all the best, and your time starts now" I left the room.

Naina's Pov
I opened the paper, and I remembered doing all of this in London, and over here. I started to solve the problems, and write the answer next to the final answer box. I love Math, it gets my brain working up. I looked up at the time, and I still had 30 minutes left. I was writing the last answer for the question. There I've done it, I just need to check over the answers. I went through them all, and they were correct, with just over 15 minutes to spare. I put the pencil on to the desk, and looked around the room. I started to create a beat from my mouth to pass time, and I was enjoying it.
Everyone entered the room. "What's that sound?" Sameer asked. "It's me beatboxing" I started to do it again, and tapped my foot along with the rhythm. "Naina, I'm going to mark your test now" I handed the paper to her. She sat down, and went through the paper. I stood up, and looked at the pictures on the wall. "Naina, you got every single question right" Swathi came to hug me. "Now your definitely on my side" I won Swathi's heart.
I walked out of the room, leading myself to the next test.

Preeti's Pov

We all entered the kitchen. "Naina, now it's time for your cooking skills to come in action, you will have to make a dessert using these ingredients and they are: digestive biscuits, butter, sugar, double cream, mascarpone cheese, and strawberries, your time starts now" we left Naina to be alone in the kitchen.

Naina's Pov

This is so easy for me, I'm going to make strawberry cheesecake. I melted the butter into the microwave, and bashed the biscuit with a rolling pin into a bowl. I poured the melted butter, and started to mix it. I took it out in to large glass dish. I evenly spreaded it with the back of the spoon, and placed it in the fridge to set. I got out another bowl, and placed the mascarpone cheese, double cream, and the sugar. I used a hand whisk, to make a cheese cream filling. I got out the biscuit base, and poured the cheese cream filling over it. I made sure it was spread out in all of the corners. I got a colinder, and placed the strawberries in it. I washed it properly, and by using a knife I took the tops off. I sliced the strawberries, and decorated my cheesecake, and placed it in the fridge to set. I had 30 minutes to spare. I grabbed an apple, and started munching on it. There were 5 minutes left, and I took the cheesecake out of the fridge. I got 5 plates out, and sliced 5 pieces on to a plate, with teaspoons on the sides. I was really glad I made this for them.
All of my friends came back, and they were suprised at what I made. "What is this?" Preeti smiled. "It's called strawberry cheesecake" everyone picked up a plate, and started to moan cause it was so delicious. "Your baking skills are on fire, you won my heart, and everything today" Preeti hugged me. "It was my pleasure making this for you all" I winked, and left the kitchen.

Munna's Pov

Now it was my turn to test Naina. "Naina you will have to sing a song which you made when you were in London, but you are going to use the guitar, and we are going to listen to you" I suggested. "Let me just get my guitar" Naina came back..

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