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Naina's Pov

We all laughed hearing Munna's jokes. "Will you all show me around the school?" I questioned. "Of course, you are our new friend" Sameer elobarated. I was walking with Sameer, whilst the gang were whispering to one another behind us. I turned around, but they were all looking in different directions. They are strange. I looked in front, but I didn't notice a banana peel that was left on the shiny surface.
I was about to slip, when suddenly a pair of arms caught me. My eyes were closed. "Naina open your eyes" Sameer requested. I slowly looked at Sameer. I couldn't look at him, because he was staring at me with pure love. I didn't wanted to ruin the moment, but I had to since we were in school. I stood up straight, and wiped the dust off my clothes. "Thanks a lot" I smiled at him.
I walked forward, as if nothing had happened. This love only happens in fairytales, not in real life. Who would love a girl like me? I know myself, I'm not from thier generation. I'm thinking way ahead.

Sameer's Pov

Why did she just walk away like that? I got lost into my thoughts when I heard the bell ring indicating it was time for class. "Let's go" I told the others. We entered class, but I didn't spot Naina. I sat down next to Munna and Pandit. Shanti ma'am arrived,and we all stood up. "Good morning ma'am" we all responded. "You can sit down" Miss Shanti replied.

Naina's Pov
What's wrong with me? This isn't London anymore, where I can backchat with anyone, and hurt others feelings. I'm already late for class, but who gives a shit? Whilst, I was walking, I took my ciggerattes out from my pocket. I rarely smoke, but I do it when I'm stressed. I took a lighter, and lighted the ciggeratte. It was 15 minutes later that I decided to go to class. I was about to enter, when the teacher spotted me smoking. " Are you the new student?" She glared at me. I walked into the class, and everyone was shocked.
"If you know, why are you asking?" I blew circles of fume around the class. "Naina, your spoiling everyone's health" Shanti shouted coughing. "Well done, now do you realise the pain of when you have done nothing at all" I crushed the fake ciggeratte. "What are you talking about?" Preeti shouted. "This is all fake, the ciggeratte, the smoke, I just wanted to show you a live demonstration of being blamed in pain, what the actual meaning is of being innocent, when I have done nothing at all, you can't accuse me Shantiji" that's how I learn my life lessons. "Now if you excuse me, I'm going to my place, which is where you are, and I have everything recorded" I stood face to face.
"I'm sorry Naina for accusing you, but that ciggeratte looked so real" Shanti asked. "It looks real, but actually it is a gadget" I turned to face the class.

Sameer's Pov
This girl is going to get her self killed one day. My heart was about to explode, when Naina entered smoking. I told her by signs to put it away, but she just grinned at me. All this drama, just for a gadget, when we all thought it was a ciggerrate. "Naina you can sit down now, " the teacher gestured towards a seat. The lesson started. " Alright class, we are going to learn about angles" Shanti spoke cheerfully. We all moaned except Naina.

Naina's Pov

Angles, that's baby work, I learnt that in class 8. "Can you not teach us Something else, I already know everything about it" I stood up and went towards Shanti ma'am. "Naina, we need to learn about this" Sameer interrupted. "Well I can teach the class if you want me too" I looked at the teacher. She nodded her head for approval. "There are three different types of angles, which are acute, right angles and obtuse" I drew on the board to make it easier. " Will someone tell me which is acute, right angle, and obtuse" Munna raised his hand. "Come to the front, and write down what you think is right? I called Munna over. Munna took the chalk. As soon as he finished, I smiled really widely. " Wow, Munna you got them all right, I'm glad I am teaching you" I praised him front of everyone. "Finally, I'm good at something" Munna high-fived me. " Pandit, come here, just take a rough idea on what you think these angles should be in figures" This time I called Pandit over. I was checking what Pandit had written. "Wow, yaar, your so smart Pandit" I clapped for him "You got it spot on, 45 degrees for acute, 90 degrees for right angle, and 180 for obtuse" I was proud of Pandit.
"What will we get?" Pandit and Munna asked.
"Your favourite chocolate, let me just get it for you" I got the chocolates out from my bag. I gave the chocolates to them. "This looks so expensive, is it from London" they asked. "It's a famous chocolate called lindt" I told everyone.
Munna and Pandit hugged me. "Your the best Naina, and we understood everything in 15 minutes" they both were very happy.
"Naina that was excellent teaching, you taught better than me" Shanti ma'am clapped. "It's not a problem, there are different ways of teaching students" I explained. The bell rang indicating that school was over.

Sameer's Pov

We all went outside. "What are you made out of?" I suddenly asked Naina. "Knowledge, confidence, and experience" she whispered into my ear. "I can't believe it Naina gave chocolates to us" Munna and Pandit screamed. "I only give it to my special friends" Naina looked back at me.

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