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Sameer's Pov

"What happened Naina, why did you stop?" I stood beside her, and looked at who she was staring at. That person who was standing there, I hated her the most, it was my so called mother. "Will you let us come inside, I know it's a shock for you, but we live here?" My mother moved so that we could all come in. I saw my whole family, including Rohan, and Deepika. "Will you explain to me why are you all here?" I was getting irritated.

Vishaka's Pov

"We have come to talk to you about your future, where do you want to see yourself, you can't be living like this anymore, you will join your dad's bussiness, and that's my final decision" I taunted Sameer. "Why are you humiliating me in front of everyone, you know how embarrassing that is?" Sameer shouted. "I don't care about that, you are very irresponsible, and you don't know anything about responsibilities" I argued back, and Sameer shut the door to his room on my face.  "Sameer, I didn't mean it like that" I regretted what I had said.

Naina's Pov

How dare she do that to Sameer. I started clapping sarcastically. "Wow, mother-in-law, and step farther-in-law, what a performance you gave" I came closer to them. "Take the kids inside, they shouldn't be hearing this" I looked at Rohan, and he took Deepika inside a room. "Let me introduce myself I'm Sameer's wife Naina, and your not so sweet daughter-in-law" I circled around them. "Oh yes, I forgot I used to taunt my own farther in front of everyone, do you want to know why, let me explain, I taunted him since he used to hit, and beat my own brother up, so one day when I came back from London, I slapped my farther so hard, that my family came running out of thier rooms" Everyone was shocked besides Preeti. "Then I took Arjun to the hospital, and guess who I bumped into Sameer" I wrapped my arms around mother-in-law. "I understand why Sameer hates you so much, since you've never been there for him, you threw him out of your life a long time ago, but guessed who replaced you, Nanu did" I went up to Nanu, and took his blessings. "Nanu was the one who cared for Sameer like a mother, supported him as a best friend, and Munna, Pandit, Swathi, and Preeti treated him like a family before I entred his life" I was proud of Nanu, and my best friends. "No wonder you never called Nanu since Sameer was in coma for the past two years, where were you then, now that your worried about Sameer, your heartless and Sameer is broken, can't you hear what he's doing in the room" we all heard the mirror smash. "Don't underestimate Sameer that much to a Point, where he will get so scared, and that he will live in the fear where he can't do anything" I taunted them. "No that will never happen as long as Nanu, his best friends, and I are alive we will support him, so don't worry about that" I shouted.
Pandit, and Munna ran to check Sameer. "Sameer has told me everything about you, when I asked him about his family, I saw a broken child who used to be quiet, shy and reserved, it was me when he saw me the first time, I was different from everyone, he wanted to see a change, someone who would change his world, and bring a positive change, I'm not one of those girls, who will listen to her parents easily, I live my own life, and if anyone says that I'm wrong I don't hesitate to give an answer back to them, but what you did is shameful, instead of supporting him, your putting him down in your own eyes, you could have talked to him lovingly, but no you just want to force him to join the bussiness, have you ever sat down with Sameer, and asked asked him what he wants to do, it takes time, and patience for someone to know what they want to do, there I said it, now get out of the house right now, you can leave Rohan, and Deepika here" I pointed towards the door, and they finally left.

Nanu's Pov

What I couldn't say, Naina said it under 10 minutes. I'm proud to call Naina my best friend. "Well done Naina, you gave them such a mouth breaking answer, I'm proud to call you my daughter" I hugged Naina. "Nanu, we should check up on Sameer"

Naina was worried.

Naina's Pov

"What happened Munna, and Pandit, has Sameer given a response?" I asked in tension. " No he's not opening the door, and we've called him so many times" they kept banging on the door. "Sameer" I called, but all we heard was Sameer throwing things on to the floor. "Munna, and Pandit we have to break the door down, that's the only way" I told them all. We all stepped back, and we kicked the door open, seeing Sameer curled up in a ball, hiding away from the lightness.

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