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Naina's Pov

"So the plan is that we will fill haldi into three buckets, and then we can use a clothing line, so that the buckets will remain attached to it, we will each have a rope, so that we can pull it, and all the haldi will fall on top of them" We started laughing. "There won't be no hand-touching, now we will know that girls are smarter than boys" Preeti, and Swathi agreed with the idea.

We told the family, and they were excited to be a part of this plan. "Please keep this secret to yourselves, and don't say anything, it will ruin the surprise" Swathi reminded everyone. We all went inside the room to get changed for the haldi ceremony. "We look awesome in yellow, just like the Sun" Swathi made us twirl around. "Lets go and execute the plan" we ran into the kitchen.

Preeti took out three silver buckets from the cupboard. With the remaining haldi, we poured it in. We carried it towards the table. Chacha, and dad helped us set up the plan. We hid the ropes underneath the table. "Now the fun will begin" I clicked my fingers.

Sameer's Pov

"We need to apply the haldi on to the girls romantically" Munna suggested. "But how we going to do that, everyone will be around us" Pandit complained. "We need to do something that will get us all in to a room" I decided. Nanu came in. "What are you all planning to do?" Nanu asked. "To apply haldi on the girls" we said at the same time. "Lets think about that later, you all need to get changed, the haldi ceremony will be starting in an hour" Nanu told us to get ready.

We all got changed into yellow clothes, which would match the girls. Nanu started to drive, to Naina's house. We had reached, and parked the car outside of the society. Dad was standing outside of the balcony. "You reached on time, come inside everyone is waiting" Dad shouted. "We are coming Papa" I told him. We all came up, and entered.

"Hi" we waved at the girls. They blew kisses right back at us. I was about to walk forward, when taiji came in front of me. "You do know from tommorow you won't be able to see the girls" Taiji told us all. "It's mehendi tommorow, and boys are not allowed, so you can have all the fun today" she explained. I became sad that I won't see Naina tommorow. I went back to Munna, and Pandit. "We will see the girls tommorow no matter what happens" Pandit whispered.

Naina's Pov

The haldi ceremony was about to start. We all sat down, girls, and boys seperately. Sameer dipped his fingers into the haldi, and was about to touch me when all of a sudden I shouted. "Chachi, look at what Sameer is doing" I complained, and he quickly sat down in his place. "Your so naughty Sameer" Chachi pulled his cheek. After 5 minutes, Pandit and Munna stood up, they came closer to us. "Pandit, Munna sit down in your places" taiji scolded them.

I looked at Preeti, and Swathi. "Shall we do it now?" I whispered. "It's a great chance that we have, so yes let's do it" we stood up, and went towards the table whistling. I pretended to drop a glass. We all came down, and each held on to a rope. " 1, 2 and 3" we pulled on to the rope, and all the haldi fell all over them. We stood up, and went back to our places. "Good going, that will teach them who's boss" I spoke confidently.

Sameer's Pov

"Who did this, we are not going to spare them?" We all wiped the haldi off our faces. Everybody started laughing. "You were flying to put haldi on us, guess what we all did it together to fool you all at the unexpected time" The girls spoke. "Girls won, and boys lost" Preeti replied confidently. We started to chase the girls, but they were very fast. Everyone was enjoying this. "Run faster Sameer" Naina laughed, and ran the other way.

"It's enough now, I think the boys need to get changed, or else they will be like this" Chachi laughed. "Girls, come here I will give you the spare clothes, and then you will hand it to them in that room" the girls left with Chachi. We entered a room, and closed the door. We all started laughing hysterically. " I must admit, Naina came up with this idea, she's brilliant, I I remember when she did something similar to the professor" Pandit told us what Naina actually did in university. We took our tops off, and wiped our arms and feet with the water. We came out of the bathroom, and waited for the girls to arrive.

Naina's Pov

Chachi gave us the clothes so that the boys wouldn't have to go home half-naked. We went towards the room, and knocked. "Can we come in?" I asked. "The door is open" Sameer shouted back. We opened the door slowly, but what we saw in front of us, made us all blush. We closed the door, and went towards them. All the boys grabbed our hands, and pulled us towards them. "Sameer, Munna, and Pandit what are you doing?" We all asked. "After, what you all did, you've stolen our hearts, so now it's our turn to apply haldi on you" they said all at once.
I looked at Preeti, and Swathi to see thier reactions. They were blushing so much. I looked back up at Sameer. He winked at me. I was holding on to his spare clothes. The boys turned us all around. They moved our hair to one side. With thier faces, they applied haldi on to our backs. My heart sped up, and he was making me go weak in his love. My breaths started increasing rapidly. His love was so intense. He turned me around, and started kissing me on my jawline. I dropped the clothes on the bed. "Sameer" I moaned.

I started kissing him, near his heart, and all the way down to his abs. I came up again, and grabbed his clothes. I made him wear his clothes, and kissed him near his lips. I looked at Preeti, and Swathi and stepped away from them. Thier eyes were still closed. "We are queens of romance" we laughed, and they opened thier eyes. "Now do you understand, that girls are better than boys?" We winked, blew a kiss, and left the room.

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