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Sameer's Pov

I woke up with a painful headache, and looked around. Preeti and Swathi were sleeping next to each other. I woke them up, and we were all in pain. "Where are we, and how did we get here?" We were all confused. "Where is Pandit, Munna, and Naina, I hope they've not left us here" Preeti cried. "They can never do that to us" I defended them all. "How come I can't remember anything?" Swathi moaned. We started to look for them, but they were not here. What if they are in trouble?

Naina's Pov

We were returning back, after getting breakfast. I passed designer Shades, to Munna , and Pandit. "We have to act just like you Naina" they were excited as much as I was. "Just remember you have to be confident, and daring, no matter what happens, we are not going to blow this over" I ordered. We put our shades on at the same time. "It's show time" we all smirked. We all entered in to the shed, and were face-to-face with Sameer, Swathi, and Preeti.

Naina, Munna and Pandit Pov

"Where did you three go?" They all screamed at us. Each one us took out a sandwich, and threw it at them. They caught it, but they all fell on to the hay. We walked towards them, and crouched down. "Really, you don't remember anything, how bad, we could have done anything to you?" We all tutted, and stood up. "Did you take our advantage of us?" They all spoke. We looked at each other, and gave the signal. We moved forward, and they were slowly going backwards, until they hit the wall. "Yes we did, and what are you going to do about it? We came closer to them. We grabbed thier faces, and roughly kissed thier lips to shut them up. We all slipped our tongues in, and started moulding it together. All of thier eyes were closed, and they were enjoying it. We stopped the kiss, and stepped back winking at them.
"We've done our job, but do you think they will remember what they said?" Munna whispered. "Let's see what they say" Pandit was confident. "Can someone tell us what is going on?" Sameer moaned. "It's the alcohol, and your experiencing a hangover" I exclaimed. "Let's go Naina, and Pandit, we are wasting time with them, let's have our fun since they had theirs yesterday?" Munna is right, and we were about to go until they called us.

Sameer, Swathi and Preeti's Pov

"Wait, please don't go" we begged in front of them. "The only reason we missed the train was because we wanted to spend quality time with you all here, and what did you guys do?" Naina confessed. "How are they going to remember, they were drunk?" Pandit pointed a finger at us. "We were angry, and drank alcohol" Preeti shouted. "Was that the only way to cope with your anger?" Munna sarcastically replied. Munna was right. "Sameer do you remember what you said to Preeti, and Swathi?" Pandit looked at us. "I think he said girlfriend to us" Swathi remembered. "But I remember, that we said best friends" Preeti confirmed. "How did we come here?" I wanted to know. "We carried you on our backs" I looked ashamed.

Naina's Pov

I looked at Pandit, and Munna, and we started laughing hysterically. "Wow, guys we did such an act that we literally scared them to death, we are all Naina's" I hugged them both. "Hats off to us, it was so much fun seeing them drunk yesterday, they were all so cute in thier intoxicated state" Pandit was still laughing. "Have you learnt your lesson, the hangover is the after pain which you all got?" We all went towards them.

"We are never going to drink alcohol ever again, and we are ashamed of ourselves, will you forgive us?" Sameer, Swathi and Preeti begged in front of us. "Should we forgive them, or let them yearn for our forgiveness?" Pandit looked at me, and Munna. "Very smart Pandit, but let's forgive and forget?" I looked at everyone. We all hugged each other. "That kiss was very hot" Sameer looked at me, Munna, and Pandit. "This is the magic of NaMunDit" Pandit fist-bumped me, and Munna. We all left the shed, holding hands with each other. I started to sing. "Your all that matters to me yeah, yeah, what's a king bed without a queen, there ain't no I in team, you make me complete, your all that matters to me" I stopped, and everyone was looking at me. I walked forward, to avoid the stares. "Guys, we still have till 6PM to enjoy  Zurich, and now we are going to the Swiss Alps" I was so excited.

Sameer's Pov

"I love mountains" we all screamed. We took a tour bus, which would stop at a famous mountain called Jungfraujoch. We all got off, and it was breathtakingly beautiful. "Do you actually want to go on the top, the view is amazing?" Naina explained. "Yes please, but how are we going to get up there?" I asked. "By cable cars, it will take us to the top" Naina showed where they were. We all went in couples as there were two seats in one. I held on to Naina's hand, and she placed her head on my shoulder. We finally made it, and got off. The snow covered the mountain like a blanket. We started to run. Naina picked up the snow, and threw it at me. I laughed, and made a snowball, but it hit Pandit. "Sameer" we all had a snowball fight. I opened my arms out, and Naina came in front of me. We did the titanic pose.

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