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Naina's Pov

"Guys, your hugging me too tight" I moaned. "Sorry Naina" we let go of the hug. "It's ok, I'm just going to rest, I'm not feeling to good today" I left the gym, and entered my room. I went into the bed, and tried to sleep. That dream keeps haunting my mind. Dreams are not real, only if they are romantic ones. Sameer came into the room. "Do you want anything to eat?" He asked with concern. I looked at him. " Can I have warm milk, fruit salad , and toast please?" I requested Sameer. He left the room.

Sameer's Pov

I went into the kitchen, and started to prepare Naina's breakfast. "Do you need help in anything?" Swathi and Preeti asked. "Can you warm the milk up please?" They poured the milk in to a vessel, and put it on to the stove. I started cutting the fruit up, and placed it in to a bowl with a spoon. I put the bread in to the toaster, and it was done in two minutes, and I applied the butter on to it. Preeti poured out the warm milk into a glass, and she helped me put everything on to a tray. I went upstairs slowly, and came in to the room. "Breakfast is ready Naina" she sat on the bed. "Thank you so much Sameer" I placed the tray on to the bed, and sat down.
"I'm going to feed you since your in pain" I held up the piece of toast towards her mouth. As soon as she opened her mouth, I moved the toast elsewhere. "Sameer, that's not fair" she started to laugh. "Take it" Naina chewed on the toast. "What fruit do you like?" I asked her. "All of them" she clapped her hands as she saw her favourite fruit salad. I started to feed her lovingly, and I loved Naina's innocence. "This is so good, did you make this?" Naina wanted to know. "Yes I did, is it tasty?" I asked. "It's delicious" Naina held on to my hand. "Time for milk" I picked up the glass, and gave it to Naina. She gulped it down in one go. I started to laugh, as she had a white moustache above her lips.

Naina's Pov

Sameer's laugh is so cute. But I don't know why he is laughing? He placed his fingers above my lips, to wipe the milk away. I kissed his fingers romantically.  He closed his eyes, as he was affected by my touch. I clicked my fingers to grab his attention. "What happened Sameer?" I asked. "It's your touch that gives me all the feels" we looked at each other, and the moment stopped until our friends walked in.
"Hi besties" I waved at them. "How are you feeling?" Pandit asked. "Much better than before" I smiled at them. "Come and sit with us" I patted the space, and they all sat on the bed. Preeti, and Swathi hugged me. "Your always getting hurt one way or another" Preeti cried. "Preets don't cry, I can't see my sister crying" I wiped her tears. "These tears are very valuable, it shows how deeply you are hurt, but Preeti you know I can takes punches, it's what we learnt in our training" I reminded them all. "We are brave officers, and we never give up our duty" I motivated them.
"By the way Naina, you were looking extra sexy yesterday" Swathi made me blush. "Swathi, you always do that, whenever I wear something different, your sexy compliments come out" this time I made Swathi blush. "Shall we watch a movie together?" Munna suggested. I got the remote control, and turned on the tv. "Sorry, guys, there's no indian movies, but guess what is coming on Romeo and Juliet" I love this movie.

Sameer's Pov

It was the balcony scene, and I remembered when Naina said Julliet's dialogue. We both looked at each other the same time. That night had changed everything for us. Naina was still wearing the promise ring that I gave her two years ago. Our love is true. I looked at all my friends, and they were blushing so much. The last scene made us all cry, when Romeo drinks the poision, and Juliet stabs herself for her true love. The Same thing happened with Naina, but she got shot, but I'm really glad we are together now. Our love story was challenging, but there still more hurdles to come.
"That movie made me cry so much" Swathi complained. Naina hugged Preeti. "Why did they die for?" She asked.

"For true love, thier families were enemies, but they loved each so much, that destiny wasn't giving a chance to both of thier families, so they decided to kill themselves, so atleast in heaven, they will be together" Naina explained so beautifully the meaning of true love. "This is true love on what we have" Pandit was right.
"Pandit your right, we are lucky to have each other, and we all fought for our love" Naina looked back at me.

Naina's Pov

Sameer, and all of our best friends were having a pillow fight. I laughed looking at them. All of the feathers of the pillows were magically coming on to the bed. It felt like it was snowing. I took a feather, closed my eyes, and made a wish. Make Sameer achieve in life, and keep all my best friends happy. I opened my eyes, and the feather blew outside. Everyone wanted to know the wish, that I made. "May you all remain happy, and let Sameer achieve in life" they all hugged me one by one.

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