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Naina's Pov

We stepped out of the airport. "Wow, this is so beautiful, it's like I've stepped foot in to a different world" Pandit replied. I saw a car for rent sign. "Guys, shall we rent a car or not?" I asked them. "I think we should rent a car, that way we will save money for travelling" Sameer suggested. Everyone agreed, so we all went over. "Hi, we want to rent a car for a week, how much would that be?" I asked kindly looking at the jolly old man. "Sweetie, do you have an international driving licence?" He asked me. I took it out, and gave it to him. He checked it properly. "That would be €300" he gave me a final price. I handed over the money. "You can choose any car you want" we went with him, and he showed us different cars.

"Which car do you all like?" I faced towards them. They all ran to the red sports car. "Thank you, and I will return your car in a week" he handed me the keys. I got the luggage, and placed it in to the boot of the car. I opened the drivers door which was on the left side, and closed it with a loud thud. "Are you all comfortable?" I looked behind. "Very" they replied. I looked to my right, and saw Sameer looking at me. I turned the radio on, and twisted the key. I put my shades on, and left the airport in style.

Sameer's Pov

We were all having fun, as Naina was driving. "Where are we staying?" Everyone shouted. "It's a surprise" Naina replied back. I was looking at the view, and I must say it is very beautiful, than India. "Naina, please slow down" Swathi was travel sick. "Sorry, Swathi, I will bring it down to 50 miles per hour" Naina took it into consideration. I don't know how Naina can drive a left- handed vehicle. "I'm getting bored, let's play something" Preeti suggested. "What shall we play?" I asked.  "Let's play truth or dare" Naina interrupted our thoughts.

"How do you play that?" Munna asked. "We all have to ask the person if they want truth or dare, if they say truth, then you will have to answer the question honestly, if they say dare, you have to make them do something, and if they don't do it, they will be out of the game" Naina explained how to play the game. We were all enjoying the game, until it was Naina's turn. "Naina, truth or dare" Pandit asked. "Obviously dare" Naina replied back. "How fast can you drive this car?" Pandit challenged Naina.

Naina's Pov

"Take a bow Pandit, now were talking" I fist-bumped him, and changed the gear in to 6. "Hold on this can get pretty dangerous" I warned them all beforehand. I sky-rocketed to a 120 miles per hour. I went so fast, that even the police couldn't catch up with me. I breaked harshly, and everyone came forward, just to put my hand on time so that Sameer wouldn't get hurt. "Never challenge me again, the rules over here are different" I clicked my fingers, and jumped out of the car. "By the way, we reached our villa" they all looked at it. "This is where we are staying" they all looked shock. "I booked this villa" we all took the luggage out, and went inside. "Naina, this is so luxurious" they all looked around. "There's a indoor gym, a swimming pool, and a basketball court" I told  the facilities that this villa had. Everyone went off to choose thier rooms, leaving Sameer behind.
"Shall we go to our room now?" He looked at me, and asked. We went upstairs carrying our luggage, and entered one of the rooms. "Wow, this is so amazing, I love Switzerland already" Sameer ran towards the balcony, and I followed him. I back-hugged Sameer, and he turned around. "I'm so sorry for breaking so harshly, I didn't mean to do it" I felt tears rolling down my cheeks. "Naina, it's ok, you don't have to cry about that, and by the way I love your confident side more than anything" he expressed what he loved about me. I wiped my tears away, and hugged him. "Sameer, your the best" I complimented him, and let go of the hug. He looked at me with love in his eyes. He came near me towards my lips, and I closed my eyes thinking he would kiss me, but no he kissed on my neck.

Sameer what are you doing to me, your turning me into a moaning mess" I said it with great difficulty as my heart began to race. Whenever he would do that, he would send us to a different world. I became weak in his touches. Sameer stopped, and my eyes became red. "Is that how much you love me?" I asked with a raspy voice. "Much more than you can imagine, I can just take you right then, and there" he whispered in my ear.

After he had said that, I ran towards the basketball court, to get rid of the intense blushing. This Sameer is so hot when he wants to be. I picked up a basketball , and turned around. I threw the ball in the hoop from a far distance. I looked in front of me, and all my friends were stood there shell-shocked. I started whistling, and walked towards them. As I was walking forward, they all stepped back even Sameer. I loved teasing them all. I came, and grabbed another ball, without loosing eye contact, and threw the ball in the hoop, where they were standing. I left them there with thier mouths wide open.

Sameer's Pov

How in the world did she do that? We all went inside, and saw her sitting. "How did you do that?" We all wanted to know. Naina stood up. "Practice makes perfect" that's all Naina said, and came towards us. "By eating almonds, your brain cells work faster" she pointed towards her brain. "Your a topper, a racer, a senior inspector, a lover, a singer, a fighter, a drummer, a extravort, a challenger, a quick solver, what else is there which we don't know?" We shouted. "Being confident about everything" she smirked.

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