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Sameer's Pov

It was evening, and we were all still in the park. "I'm freezing" Naina rubbed her hands together. I took my jacket off, and placed it around her selflessly. We were sitting on a bench, and looking at the moon. "Sameer, I think I've done this before with you" Naina cuddled up next to me. "I don't remember, will you tell me please?" I asked. "Remember, when we had to do an all-nighter in the hospital, but you fell asleep, I saw you shivering, and I gave you my jacket to keep you warm, I found you so innocent back then" Naina told me, and I started to remember.  I remembered everything clearly now. "We were so different, and now look at us, we have come a long way" I reminded Naina about our beautiful past.
Naina smiled looking at the moon. The moon has always been an important part of our relationship. The first being in the hospital, the second on our confession night, and now being here together. The moon has always connected us in some way. "The moon is so romantic" Naina confessed. "Not more than you though" She looked at me. "How romantic are you, your pulling me like a magnet towards you" she placed her hand above her heart.

Naina's Pov

"Let's play a game, so that we get to know each other more" I suggested. "Great idea Naina" Sameer agreed with me. "What makes you happy?" I asked him. "You, because your my love, my Nanu, since he's like a mother to me, and our best friends because they keep me grounded, and down to earth" Sameer answered genuinely.
"What irritates you the most?" Sameer wanted to know. I thought about it. "I just don't like rude people" I answered simply. "What made you fall for me?" I really wanted to know this answer. "Your personality, stood out from the rest, and my god your confidence level is so high, what can I say" Sameer answered so cutely. "What was your first impression about me?" Sameer asked excitedly. "To say the truth, you have always been very sweet, cute, and innocent, but it took me time to realise that, since I was always in my anger mode" I started to laugh.
"What's one thing you don't like about me?" I asked Sameer. "That your so health conscious, nothing is going to happen if you eat junk food." We both laughed at the answer. "What's one thing you love about me?" Sameer looked at me. " That's hard, but I love your eyes, they are very expressive, your eyes speaks volumes, when you have no words to say" I answered truthfully.

Sameer's Pov

I didn't realise the time, and soon it became dark. "Sameer, and Naina, let's go home" our best friends called us. We stood up, and held hands, walking towards the car. We all sat down, and took off. I didn't let go of Naina's hand when she was changing the gear stick. "Naina, thank you so much for today, we really enjoyed ourselves" Preeti spoke. "Your very welcome, and we only have three days left, so we need to make the most out of it" Naina was right.
We reached home, and I placed the basket, whilst all the others placed the gifts on to the table. I started to yawn. "Let's go to sleep Sameer" we entered our room, and closed the door. We changed into our pyjamas, and jumped into bed. "It was a very romantic day for us" Naina cuddled up to me. "Sameer, your right that kiss was something else, I don't know if it was the setting, or was it you, maybe you have a talent in kissing" Naina looked up at me. "Maybe it was my mood, and hunger for your lips, because it's so addictive" I kissed her forehead. We fell asleep.

Naina's Pov

I was dreaming about Sameer actually being a prince. He looked so handsome that I couldn't take my eyes off from him. He kissed my hand, and told me I was the perfect one for him. I hugged him, and he carried me towards his horse, and we rode away towards the sunset. I just couldn't stop smiling about it.

The bright rays of the sun were hitting my eyes. I covered my hands on top of my eyes. There was no use. I looked towards the right, and I saw my prince sleeping peacefully. I can stare at him forever. Who can't fall for him, he's super innocent, handsome, and my immature baby boy. I checked the time, and it was 6am. It's too early to do anything right now. I turned around, and Sameer was awake. "Hey, you were acting all this time, I thought you were sleeping" I was surprised. "I saw everything that you did, and I also know you were dreaming about me" Sameer smirked.
"It was such a romantic dream, you were a actually a prince, and I was a princess, and you carried me away riding towards the sunset" I confessed. "Wow, Naina I want dreams like that" Sameer pouted. I kissed Sameer's pout. "Your such a cutie, have romantic thoughts, and then you can dream like me" I explained to Sameer. "Shall we get up now?" Sameer asked. "No, it's too early, and I placed the quilt over us. Sameer started to laugh.  His laugh was contagious. "Why are you laughing for?" I asked. "Your such a kid that's why" He removed the quilt away from us. "If I'm a kid your a toddler" I stuck my tongue out.

Sameer's Pov

Naina is so adorable. I never knew she had this side to her. I pulled her cheeks gently. "Sameer" she touched her cheeks. I kissed her cheeks. We sat up in bed. "Your the best husband in the world" she spreaded her arms out. I pulled her towards me. "What are you doing?" She asked. I was about to kiss her, until she placed her hand on her mouth. "Morning breath" she whispered.
"I don't mind, but if you say so" I let go of her, and she ran to the bathroom. "I'm so crazy for Naina" I tapped my head lightly, and smiled.

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