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 Naina's Pov

We were all faced back to back. "Preeti, you always keep your pocket knife with you" I remembered. "Oh yeah, but how am I going to take it out?" Preeti thought. "There's one way out, you have to use your mouth" Swathi finally spoke. Preeti bent her face forward towards her shirt pocket. "Your almost there" we motivated Preeti. " Yes you got it" we cheered quietly.

Preeti's Pov

I placed the pocket knife in my mouth, and cut through the ropes, they came undone. I took the ropes around my feet. I stood up, and did my friends. "Preeti, where are we?" Naina slurred. "I have no idea, but it looks scary" we held on to each other. There was no way out, besides the door, but I saw Varun locking it. "Great, we are trapped, what are we going to do?" Swathi moaned. "Let's just play games" Naina clapped.

Sameer's Pov

"Let's go, and be actual heroes" we all got out of the house. We started our bikes up, and left. "Sameer we need to find Naina's car first, so that way we will know where the warehouse is" Pandit suggested. After 15 minutes, we saw a familiar car blocking the road. "This is Naina's car, they might have left a clue, let's check the car" Munna, and Pandit wore thier white gloves.
I started searching around the car, until I spotted, a piece of paper. "Munna, Pandit come here, I've found something" I shouted. They came, and Munna opened the paper. What we saw was a picture of three girls, that were drugged, and a watermark of the warehouse. We left the area, and went towards the warehouse.

Swathi's Pov

We started playing all sorts of games. "Naina, remember when we were small, we always used to steal chocolates from the shop, and the shopkeeper would always shout at us" Preeti said. "Oh, yes we were so bad" we laughed. "Someone's coming" I whispered. We are gone. Akshay unlocked the door, and saw us sitting on the floor. "How did you get out from those ropes?" He was shocked. "That's for us to know, and you to find out" Naina ordered. "I love your style, but for now you all have to dance for us" Akshay came, and dragged us all out of the room.

Sameer's Pov

We reached the warehouse, and got off the bike. "Sameer we are not going to go inside, just like that, I have a better idea, let's go up on to the roof, there's a window there" Munna suggested. I saw a ladder, and placed it against the warehouse. We all started climbing slowly. "Now what are we going to do?" I asked. "Naina is right, you are stupid, what did you say before, I want to break bones, so that is what we are going to do" Pandit intelligently replied. I opened the window up slowly, and we all saw Naina, Preeti, and Swathi dancing for them. I saw the three boys ogooling at our girlfriends. They sat on all fours. "Guys, this is our chance" We all jumped, and sat down on the boys backs, which made them flat on to the ground.
"What did I say on the phone, that I will break your bones?" We all smirked looking down at them.

Naina's Pov

We were enjoying our dance, until I heard a very huge bang. I looked at them, and I started to laugh. "Preeti, Swathi look they are flat like a roti" we all started laughing. We all walked towards the two sets of lovers foolishly. "Wow, so many boys just for us, that's hot?" Preeti squealed. We all danced around them, and started kicking Salman, Akshay and Varun. "Akshay, Salman, and Varun, meet our boyfriends, Sameer, Munna, and Pandit" I introduced them to each other. They all looked at each other with venom. "A face-off is going to happen" Swathi was excited. " I never knew, so many lovers were behind us" Preeti sarcastically replied. "Have you seen your faces in the mirror, no body can love you?" I crouched down, tutted, and twisted Salman's ear. "Aww look how much pain your in, your crying for me" Swathi slapped Akshay. "This is obssesive love, and not true love, and next time be careful who you are saying it to?" I stood on his leg, and went to the girls.

Sameer's Pov

"The girls have told you, who we are, and for your kind information it's our turn to make you dance to our tunes"  I  elbowed him. We stood up, and grabbed on to thier collors. By using my one arm, I threw Salman over me. Munna, and Pandit did the same. The girls were clapping for us. "Boys look out" the girls screamed. They came charging at us, and we lifted them up, so that by using thier feet, they could kick Salman, Akshay, and Varun over.

Naina's Pov

I didn't know what was happening, since I was really drunk. "Preeti, Swathi we need to sit down, I'm feeling dizzy" I took the girls to a corner. "I can't stand up properly anymore, that drug is too strong" Preeti, and Swathi complained. We all sat down, and saw our boyfriends breaking the bones of the boys. " Who are these three?" I pointed at them. I feel like I know them all. "Wait" I shouted, and everyone looked back at me. I stood up, and hugged Sameer. Preeti, and Swathi came. "You are our real heroes" we all smiled looking at them lovingly. "We want to get out of here, I'm not feeling too good, those guys hit us with a rod, so that's why we are like this" we cried in front of our boyfriends. They put us all behind them.

Sameer's Pov

We became so angry, that I pushed all the guys on to the floor. Munna, and Pandit joined me. "How dare you" I repeatedly punched them all. Munna, and Pandit ruined thier faces, with blood dripping out. The girls came to control us. "Lets just go, or else we are going to faint" Naina kept a hand on my shoulder. We all stood up, and carried our girls, walking towards Naina's car. We all got in, and Pandit drove us to the hospital.

The operation started for Naina, Preeti, and Swathi. I called Naina's family, and Nanu over. They would be arriving in a hour. We all looked through the circle of the window, and began to cry seeing our girls in this condition.

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