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Naina's Pov
I was walking past my house, but I don't know why I had a strange feeling that my family were in danger. I was about to go up the stairs, to my flat when I remembered what Chachi had said to me. My instincts are always right. I told myself I should follow my heart, and that's exactly what I did.

I went up the stairs slowly. It had been a few days since I missed home. We lived on the second floor. I had managed to climb all the way up. Normally, the door is always shut, but why is it open this time? I went closer, and I heard different voices which were not supposed to be here. I hid near to a wall. "If you don't give us Naina Aggarwal in 5 seconds, you will all be going up" He shot a bullet towards the ceiling. No, they can't kill my family. I quickly ran inside the flat, with my breathing increasing. "Who are you?" One of the thieves pointed a gun at me. I looked back up, with blood shot eyes. "I'm Naina Aggarwal" I folded my arms together.
"What a pleasant surprise, I thought you were hiding in your room, too scared to come out" the thief laughed at me. "I was outside, you do know I have a very speacial connection with thieves, I can smell them out" I replied sarcastically. "What brings you here?" I asked.
"We want you" they asked. "Who me?" I looked outside, and pointed to myself.
I came forward, and placed an arm around his shoulder. "Listen, whoever you are, why is everyone after me?" I questioned.  "It's because you work in the police force internationally" he answered the question.

Sameer's Pov

Why is Naina talking so calmly to him? "Sameer what is happening?" Preeti whispered. " I don't know" I was utterly confused. The thief pushed Naina to the table violently. "I don't mind, if you kick, punch, or hurt me, I just give up with fighting" Naina looked back.

Naina's Pov
I was not going to fight back, because I had promised a few people. Everyone was quiet, meaning I couldn't do anything. "Just give me whatever you have, money, cars, jewellery, I want everything, because you are so powerful" the thief grabbed on to my collor, and punched me in the ribs. I tried not to scream, but it hurt terribly. "Naina" my family shouted. I looked back at them with no emotion.

I was doing this for them, to make them realise, when an individual is weak, there is no strength to fight back. The other thief pushed me on to the floor, with my back up front. They started to kick me horrendously, without any stopping.

Pandit's Pov

I couldn't watch Naina getting beaten up. She had kept her promise, and she made me respect her even more. "Stop doing that, it's hurting her" I cried, and tried to move forward. " Please let go of her, aren't you ashamed by doing this?" Preeti shouted at the thief. "No, Pandit and Preeti I deserve this, it's my punishment, all the thieves hate me because a girl can't be an informer of the police force" Naina tried to say, but it was impossible as the thieves kept kicking her.

Naina's Pov

They turned me around, and slapped me across the face numerous times. I was beginning to lose consousness, and I slipped into darkness.

Chachi's  Pov

I couldn't take it anymore as they were hurting my daughter Naina. "Naina, get up I want you to fight, for all of us" I screamed. "You both should be hanged, for doing child abuse"Swathi joined. "Naina, I know you are a warrior, we've always underestimated you" Arjun confessed. "Naina, your my best friend, show them what you have" Munna motivated everyone. "Naina, for my sake get up, and fight them" Sameer chanted. We all chanted together.

Naina's Pov

I was hearing voices coming from everyone to fight back. Was I hearing right? I tried to open my eyes. I got up slowly, and dusted my clothes off. The thieves kept chatting on, and they didn't realise when I got up from the floor. I was stood behind them, and made funny expressions. "Haven't you forgotten something?" The thieves turned around, I punched them with my left hand. "Get up right now, it's your turn to get beaten up" I angrily spoke. By using my hands, I grabbed on to thier collars. I tied them against a chair tightly so that they would not escape. I came to everyone, and untied the ropes.
"Listen everyone, I would love to fight back, but I'm in this condition, so whatever anger you have in yourselves or hatred you have towards them, take it all out on them" I suggested them all. "Great idea Naina" Everyone replied back.

I sat down, and watched everybody fight back. I was enjoying it, but I tried not to laugh. My body was aching, but I had missed this so much. The pain I had gone through was unbelievable, like I've not been in this much pain all my life. I picked up the landline phone, and called the police over. They took the thieves away.

Sameer's Pov

I took my anger out dramatically. "Naina, where are you going?" Chachi asked as she saw Naina walking out. "I'm going home, to my second family, you don't want me here" I was about to walk down. All of us came outside. " "Naina, your not going anywhere" we all shouted. Naina turned around. "Look at yourself, your staying here with us" Swathi came to Naina, and made sure she came inside carefully. We all went back inside.

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