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Naina's Pov

We were all going to the funfair, and then to have a picnic. I was really excited, I couldn't wait to go. I was waiting for everyone to come downstairs. I had already filled the basket with a lot of goodies. "Naina, we are all ready" they all looked so beautiful and handsome. "You all look amazing" I complimented them. I lifted the basket up, and went towards the car. "Swathi, you can drive the car today" I threw the car keys towards her, and she catched it. "How come your not driving?" Swathi asked. "I'm going to cycle, and listen to music, I'll direct you all" I took out the cycle from the garage. "I want to come with you Naina" Sameer looked at me. "Of course you can come" Sameer sat on the cycle. I sat in front of him. Swathi started the car, and followed us.
We were driving side to side, slowly beneath the hot blazing sun. It was so relaxing, and peaceful. "Swathi turned the radio on, and 'Dheere Dheere' started to play. We all started to sing. It was one of my favourite songs.

Sameer's Pov
I looked in front, until Naina was staring at me. I started singing the song to her. "Sameer, you have a wonderful singing talent, it's fabulous" Naina grinned at me. "Aww, thank you Princess, tell me which way to go now?" I looked left, and right. "We are going left Swathi" Naina looked at our friends, and smiled. "Thanks Naina" Preeti responded. I made a left turn, and Naina touched my hand. She's always been melting me since the beginning. "Sameer, your so hot" Naina said randomly. "And your so gorgeous" I complimented her. We had finally arrived at the funfair, and I parked the cycle next to the car. We all got off. "Which ride do you all want to go on first?" Naina asked everyone. "Can we go on the water ride first?" Pandit pleaded. "Do you want to go on that ride, or should we go somewhere else?" Naina was making sure everyone was happy. "Yes, let's go there first" we all screamed.

Naina's Pov

We all stood in line, and it was our turn. I sat next to Preeti, and Swathi, whilst Sameer Sat behind me with Munna, and Pandit. "I hope your not scared girls" Pandit teased. "Oh please, I bet you will scream the loudest when we all get soaked" I challenged Pandit. The ride started, and it went in all different directions, until it hit the turning point. "Pandit get ready to scream" I started laughing. It went down in full speed, and I  put my arms up. The water soaked all of us, and I heard all the boys screaming. We all got off. "That was so much fun" I high-fived Preeti, and Swathi. "Aww, you all screamed, it wasn't that scary, let's see the photos" we all went towards the counter. "Can I buy that photo?" I asked the man, and I payed for it.
"Look at your reactions Pandit, it's so cute" I pulled his cheeks. I put the photo in to my bag. "Let's get dried up I'm shivering" Sameer, was very cold, and we all went inside the dryer.

Sameer's Pov

Naina hugged me to give body heat. I saw Preeti, and Swathi hugging Pandit, and Munna. We were all having a romantic moment. I looked down at Naina, and we were holding hands. "Sameer, your freezing, and I don't want you to get ill" Naina rubbed my hands. It was moments like these which made me fall in love with Naina all over again. "How do you feel now?" She looked up at me. "Much better when I'm with you" we stared at each other romantically. After 10 minutes, we all became dry again. We all got out of the dryer, and decided which ride we would go on next.

"Now we are going on the ghost train as couples" I decided. "That's awesome, I agree with Sameer" Naina stood next to me. We all sat down, next to each other. The ride started, and we entered a scary tunnel. I was holding on to Naina's hand, as ghosts, whiches, and skeletons were appearing out from nowhere. We screamed. The noises of bones rattling, and the old rocking chair made our hearts leap out. "This is so scary" Naina hid her face on my chest. "Your prince is here to save you" I caressed her hair. We looked at each other, and our faces were closing in, when the ride stopped abruptly.

"How romantic" I started to laugh. "We are stuck, and how is this romantic?" Naina looked around. "Because, it's only me, and you here" I brought Naina's face closer to mine. "It's been long since my lips haven't touched yours" we were coming closer. We kissed passionately, in the dark where no one could see us. Her lips were like a drug. She wrapped her arms around my neck, and we kissed senselessly, like there was no tommorow. We let go, and took a long breath. "That was something else" I told Naina. "Our love is intense, and deep, that's why we are so in love with each other" I blushed. The ride started again. "Sameer, you've gone so red, what will the others think?" Naina was worried. "I'll tell them this ride was too scary" she came up with an excuse. We both got off the ride, and waited for the others.

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