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Naina's Pov

I decided to go and meet Sameer in disguise. It was around 10pm, and I just needed to see a glismpe of him. I had to be careful, to not wake the maid up. I tiptoed towards the door, and quickly shut it. I started to walk, towards a rickshaw. "Can you take me to Maheshwari's residence?" I asked looking at the driver. "I'll take you there" he offered me with a smile. I sat in, and we took off. It was amazing now, that I just can't take Sameer off my mind anymore.
After 10 minutes, I had finally arrived outside his house. I made sure I put my hood up,and wore glasses to cover my eyes. I just waited to see if Sameer would come outside his balcony.  Now, I understood what it felt like to wait patiently. I looked up at the moon, and it was bigger, than I normally saw. My moon is my best friend, we both come out at night to spread lightness.
I heard someone coming out of the balcony, and to my surprise it was Sameer. He looked rather depressed, and lifeless without me. I'm so sorry Sameer, but when I come back to you, I will realise the importance of love, no matter how long it will take for me to convice you. He was about to look down, when I hid behind a tree. That was close.

I left the area, quietly without making a noise. I spotted a phone booth nearby. I went inside, and put a coin in. I rang inspector Rahul to see if we were ready to go. "Are we ready to go or not, meet me near a shop" I confirmed, and put the phone down. I got out, and started to run where Rahul would meet me. I was out of breath since it took me 15 minutes. The car came, and I sat down at the front.

" The location is near a go down, where an old factory is called Sunpride industries" I directed him. After half an hour, we arrived near the old factory. " Naina, take this gun with you for protection" Rahul demanded. "Alright, but I'm not going to use it" I put the gun in my back pocket. We got out of the car, and headed towards it. I stopped Rahul from going inside. "Do you have a camera and a recoder with you?" I asked. "Yes, I do but why do we need it?" He replied.  "To have evidence with us" I whispered.
We both looked towards the window, and I got the biggest shock of my life. What was my dad doing here? I started to record what he was saying, and Rahul took pictures. "What a masterplan we have come up with, no one will find it out it was us who kidnapped the children" a voice was heard coming from the phone. "Please just let me go, you already killed Naina" My dad cried on the phone. I couldn't take it anymore, and knocked down the door.
"Hands up, all of you are under arrest" I shouted and pointed a gun at them. "Naina, what are you doing here?" Dad dropped the phone. "That's none of your bussiness, your under police custody" Rahul handcuffed dad. I picked up the phone, and placed it in a evidence bag.

Sameer's Pov (The next day-morning)

I went to Naina's house, only to see a lawyer, sat down talking to a family. "Can you explain to me what actually happened?" the lawyer needed to know. "I will tell you everything" I spoke angrily. "Two men sprayed poisonous gas around us, which made us all lose consousness, we were carried into a car, only to realise we were kidnapped, Naina came to save us, but she got shot, and died." I explained the incident. "This is a matter of self-defence and murder, I'll be opening up a case two days later in court, and we will get justice for Naina" the lawyer stood up and shook my hand. "Sameer, Preeti is not coming out of her room, will you please go and check up on her?" Aunty requested. I walked towards her room, and knocked on the door. "Preeti, please open the door, I'm worried about you" I asked concerned.  "Just leave me alone, I want my sister back" Preeti cried. I opened the door, and saw Preeti in a terrible mess. I hugged her tightly. "Even I want Naina back" I managed to say.

Naina's Pov

"What were you doing there, and who were you talking to?" Rahul demanded an answer in the interrogation room. "Sir, I'm innocent, I'm not the one who kidnapped the children" dad pleaded.

"Then who were you talking to on this phone, if you don't give us an answer, we have other ways to make you speak" I punched the desk. " "I'll tell you, Naina it's your best friend Ashley she is in India, we need to catch her" Dad spoke the truth.
I stepped back, Ashley is an international criminal, she's always been jealous of me. Another betrayal for me. God, this life gets better and better.
"Are you absolutely sure, or are you just blaming her so that you can escape?" Rahul asked. "Why would I lie, you can check the phone?" Dad pushed the bag towards me. I checked it, and he was right.
"Let's go and catch that criminal now?" I shouted. We all went outside, and got into the car. I reversed, and I knew exactly where she would be. I drove very rashly, and went inside her house. I took my gun and pointed it towards her. "Your game is over Ashley" I said with a smirk. I handcuffed her, and pushed her into the car. "Just wait, till we get to the interrogation room, I'm not going to spare you" I locked Ashley in the room.

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