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Naina's Pov

I walked towards my car, and started to sing a song that I made. " If I was your boyfriend, i'd never let you, I could take you places, you've never been before, baby take a chance or you'll never ever know I got money in my hands that I really like to blow, swag, swag, swag on you chilling by the fire while we eating fondue, I don't know about me, but I know about you, so say hello to fasseto in 3 2 swag, I like to be everything you want, hey girl let me talk to you, if I was your boyfriend, I never let you go, keep you on my arm girl, you never be alone, then I can be a gentleman anything you want, if I was your boyfriend I never let you go" I'm such a great singer, I praised myself.
" I never knew you could sing" Swathi sat at the front. "By the way, what song was that?" Sameer was starting his motorbike. "It's called boyfriend" I threw a gift at Sameer.

Sameer's Pov
I opened the gift, and saw a pair of keys. "What's this for?" I looked confused. "Race me, to my house, and then you will get to know" she roared the engine. "Challenge accepted, boys versus girls, let Arjun come." I grinned.
Arjun came, and thought of a different idea. "Why don't we do Aggarwals versus everyone else?" Arjun suggested. "Wicked idea bro" Naina replied.

Naina's Pov

All the aggarwals sat down in the car. "Naina your ready right?" Arjun and Preeti asked. "Why fear, Naina is here?" I accelerated as fast as I could go. I was enjoying because Sameer and I were head-to-head. I was driving in 4th gear which was pretty fast. "Naina, we are going to win" Sameer and the rest of the gang shouted. I knew they were distracting me, so I went even faster. It was so much fun, because Preeti looked behind. " Naina, we are almost home" Preeti motivated me. Just one more corner and then we will be there. I saw Sameer coming so close to me. We finished at the exact time. I cut the engine off. We all got out of the car. Sameer and the others got off thier bike. "That was one of the best races I have ever done" I was overjoyed. "Congrats, Sameer now your on my level" I took my hand out. "It was a pleasure racing you" I shook Naina's hand. " Did you all have fun?" I shouted. "Yeah, that was the best moment of the day" everyone danced.

Sameer's Pov

Wow I've never had so much fun till today. I took a risk, and Naina was right. Life is beautiful if you enjoy it with the right people. "What happened to my gift?" I folded my arms together. "Come with me, and I will show you" I walked with Naina. "Naina, are you never scared on what you do?" I wanted to know. " To be honest, I'm an extrovert, so I'm least scared, but whatever happens it's destiny, no one can control it" she looked forward, and talked. Naina went ahead, and found the gift. I ran up to her.

Naina's Pov

I wanted to see Sameer's reactions when he will know I have gifted him a new motorbike. I planned all of this beforehand. I bought Sameer closer. "Sameer, I want you to take this cloth off" I instructed him. He went closer towards the cloth. As soon as he lifted it, he stumbled back. "Is this my new bike?" He asked. " I thought of gifting you a new one since the other one was old" I added. Sameer checked out the new bike properly. "This must have been so expensive" Sameer looked at me. "Anything for a friend, and by the way it's imported" I giggled at him. "Meaning?" He didn't understand. "It's from America, California " I explained.
"Naina you didn't have to do this for me" Sameer looked upset. "But I wanted to, you know I'm always there for you, we have similar situations, so I understand where your coming from" I explained why I did this. " Do you not want to come upstairs?" Preeti shouted from behind. " We are coming" I spoke back. " It's your choice if you want to have it or not" I walked away from Sameer.
I ran all the way upstairs, and shut the door of my room. "Maybe Sameer dosen't like me, since I'm throwing too much money around, I can't help it, I have worked so hard to get to where I am today, I didn't earn just like that, you have to work hard in

England, but none of them are going to understand, how lonely it feels to go away from loved ones" I took my jogging outfit out.
I had a shower, and dried my body with a clean white towel. I wore my leggings, and a hoody. I tied my hair into a ponytail. I grabbed my MP3 Player,and started to listen to music.
I opened the door, until Sameer bumped into me. " I'm so sorry" he apologised. "It's fine, Arjun I'm going for jogging, I'll be back in an hour" I ignored Sameer.
Anger, and confusion had usurped me. I ran downstairs, looking down. What do people think about me, that I'm a rich, spoilt brat? Money dosen't grow on trees, thank god I'm independent and financially stable. Over here, in India, people believe that if you live in a foreign country, your life is set, but that's just a myth. The challenges, and risks you have to take is unbelievable, your under pressure from everywhere. Paying bills, taxes and rent is not an easy thing to, because half of it goes to the government.

Sameer's Pov
I know, I have hurt Naina, but don't you think she's a money waster, and dosen't take responsibilities. "Our Naina, she worked so hard, to get a scholarship to study in London, not once did we send money to her, she took a huge risk, by working and doing her education at the same time, I must say, I don't know how she did it, but still she is a topper, sometimes she has to sacrifice, the things that she wants, only to pay for her bills, and taxes; it's not an easy thing to do, that too for a girl, I'm proud of my sister" Arjun praised Naina. Oh no what have I done?

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