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Naina's Pov

"Are you sure?" I laughed nodding my head up and down. "Have you ever done an all-nighter?" I stood up and looked at Arjun, lifelessly on the bed with needles attached to his arm. " Not really, but it will be a good experience for me" Sameer sat down. It was 12:00 am and most of the hospital staff had left to return to thier homes. Even though, I didn't believe in God, I still prayed for Arjun to have a quick recovery. The relationship I shared with god, was always rough for me, first he snatched my mother away from me, then dad considers me as a bad omen, next I felt really lonely since I had to move to London. I've always been alone all my life, no one actually cares.
" Naina are you alright, you seem to be lost in your own world?" Sameer was concerned. "Yes, I'm fine, it's just that I'm meeting my brother after 2 years" I breathed out. " What do you mean?" Sameer looked interested. I just smiled. " You know every individual has layers, what you see is not always true, people need to fight for themselves, because no one else is going to do it for them" I stared at the moon.

Sameer's Pov

There was something that was drawing me into Naina. She looked back at me. " You know, the moon is my companion, whenever I feel alone, the moon always looks back at me with a mystical glow, it keeps me grounded" Naina told me her thoughts. " Sameer, tell me about your family, please if you don't mind?" Naina requested. " If your  asking so nicely, then yes I will tell you; I have my nanu, he's so important to me, I live with him; I have my mom, but she remarried again to my step-farther who lives in Delhi, so I'm not that close with them" I told Naina.
I tried to keep my eyes open, but I was feeling very sleepy. " Sameer, you are tired, go to sleep or else you will be lazy in the morning" Naina ordered.

Naina's Pov

I let Sameer sleep. I was used to this by now. I wanted to go outside, and breathe in the fresh morning air. It was now 4am. I looked behind me to see Sameer shivering. I took off my jacket and placed it around him. Sameer is a genuine person. Atleast, he had his Nanu's love with him, that's why he is so sweet. I decided to go for jogging, and bring breakfast for the two of us. I left the hospital, and lightly jogged in the middle of nowhere.
I needed to get rid of these thoughts that were swarming my mind. Why was my life like this? What did I do wrong that I'm deserving this?. It's not making any sense at all. But what I do believe in is destiny, whatever happens is for a reason. I saw the sun coming over the horizon, which meant all the shops were going to open soon. I came back to my car, and took out a water bottle. I splashed the water all over my face, so that I looked refreshed.
I drove to the nearest bakery, and fruit seller  to buy the breakfast. They were very helpful, and understanding which brought a huge smile on to my face. I returned back to the hospital, and forgot about what had happened yesterday. I ran to where Sameer was. Dr. Prakash came out of the operation thetre. " Arjun is out of danger, and it will take him two hours to regain consousness" The doctor was relieved. "Thank you so much, you don't know what you done for me, I'm so grateful to you, your the best" I hugged Sameer's Nanu. " It's ok dear, saving people's lives is my duty" he replied touching my cheek. " Has sameer still not woken up?" Nanu rolled his eyes. I began to laugh. " It's ok, I'll wake him up" I went towards Sameer.
I sat down next to him. " Sameer, rise and shine it's 7am don't you need to go to school today by 9:30 am?" I whispered in his ear. Sameer moved his body and yawned. " Good morning" I replied.

Sameer's Pov
" Morning" I stretched. "Oh no I have school today, I've not even had my breakfast, and my uniform is at home" I stood up in shock. " Don't worry, I have a surprise for you" I tried not to laugh. "Really, a surprise for me what is it?" I got excited. "Close your eyes" Naina covered my eyes. She gave me the gift in my hands. Once I opened my eyes, I saw breakfast, and my uniform in front of me. I had to look twice to see if this was all real. " When did you go outside to buy breakfast?" I asked. " When you were sleeping like this with your mouth open? Naina copied the way I was sleeping. We both began to laugh. " Let's have breakfast now, I'm starving?" My stomach rumbled. " I can tell your stomach is dying to have food?" Naina replied.

Naina's Pov

After breakfast, Sameer went to get changed. The doctor told me I could visit Arjun. I stepped inside the room, and closed the door quietly. " How are you feeling now?" I asked.  "Much better Naina" Arjun replied. Sameer and Nanu came in. " You can take Arjun home now, you just need to sign this" Dr.Prakash gave me the discharge form. I signed it and gave it back to him. " Sameer will be coming with you to help" Nanu suggested. " Thanks for that" I blinked my eyes to give approval.

Sameer and I put Arjun into the car safely. Sameer got on to his bike and drove away to get to school. I drove carefully back home again. It was difficult, because I had to make sure that Arjun wouldn't get hurt. I knocked on the door three times. Taiji opened the door, and I placed Arjun on to his bed. Taiji,chachi, chacha and my so called farther entered the room. " Where were you all this time?" Dad shouted. "In the hospital unlike some people who say they care about thier children" I taunted my farther in front of taiji. " Naina you will have to look after preeti and Arjun whilst we are gone, we are going to Mumbai for a week because your Bua dadi is not feeling very well so we need to go now" Chachi said in a hurry. Everyone left, and I looked at Preeti and Arjun with a huge smirk.

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