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Naina's Pov

It was 12PM. Chachi rang the boy's family yesterday, and they were coming over in a hour. Everybody was in a rush. I shouldn't be everywhere, and besides I know this guy is the one who attacked Sameer. Fake smiles, fake talks and first fake marriage, who would have thought Naina Aggarwal would do this? Never in a million years would I do this, but I have to. I was getting ready when Preeti, and Swathi knocked on the door.
"Are you ready?" They laughed. I showed them what I was wearing. "Why would I dress up for him?" He's nothing to me, I sprayed on my favourite perfume. "Once I get a chance, to get to talk to him alone, I'm only going to give vague answers, I don't have time for this nonsense" I complained to my best friends. "Naina, quickly come out of the room, they will be arriving soon"Taiji shouted from the kitchen. 
"Yes, and guys our acting starts from today, tell the boys, to please not mess anything up" I held on to Swathi's hand.
We got out of the room, and looked at all the preperations. It was very unique, and it should attract them. I went into the boys room. "Guys, all the best for today, and this girl is not going to go anywhere" I hugged them all.
The bell rang meaning that they were here. I looked at myself in the mirror, and I looked decent. I went into the kitchen to help chachi. Chacha had opened the door, and welcomed them in. "Please sit down" Chacha gestured them. "Naina, are you not nervous?" Chachi nudged me. "Chachi, you should know me by now, I've never been nervous, I'm confident" I nudged her back. Chachi sat down, and started talking to the boy's family. I took a peak at the family, man that boy looks so greedy, and selfish.
I carried a tray of sherbet into the room, and gave it out to everyone. "Are you Naina?" The boy asked. "Yes, and what's your name?" I looked at him forcefully. "I'm Rahul" he introduced himself. "Very nice name" I controlled my anger. I turned around, and sat next to Chachi, whilst my friends came out of the room.
"Rahul, do you like our Naina?" Chachi asked. He looked down, and then stared at me. He said something in his mother's ear. "Naina is very beautiful" he said with a smile. Only Sameer can call me beautiful. "What's your profeession?" I asked randomly. "I'm a taxi driver" he said cheerfully. Are you serious, I earn more than him, I sniggered. "Naina, why don't you show Rahul around the house, and maybe talk with each other" Chacha suggested. We both got up, and I knew he was not interested in me, which is perfect, because I hate him. "Guys, why don't you all come along with us?" I winked at my friends. They all followed us.
I showed him my room. He looked around. "Wow, you have such a nice room" he checked every detail of the room. "Hey, don't go in my wardrobe" Preeti shouted. "I'm sorry" he apologised.
"Naina, what do you do?" He wanted to know.
"Senior Inspector Naina from C.I.D" he gulped, and ran out of the room. I couldn't help, but laugh. Everyone joined me in laughing. "Arrey Naina, ek line kya bole saale saab bhaghaye" Munna high- fived me. "Rahul is scared of me, so that means he is the one who attacked our beloved Sameer" I confirmed with everyone. We all got out of the room.
Preeti's Pov
"Rahul, why did you run out of the room?" Naina asked sarcastically. "I was thirsty" he came up with an excuse. He's so stupid. We all sat down. "We want this marriage to be done in the next two days" the groom's farther suggested. "Isn't that too early?" Taiji stood up. "It's fine, don't worry we will manage everything" Naina said slowly, so that my friends would get the hint. "Thank you for agreeing to this marriage Naina" the groom's mother said. The elders hugged each other. We all looked at Rohan with a revengeful look. Rahul's family left the house.
"How are we going to handle everything?" Dad complained. We all left, and entered into my room.

Pandit's Pov

"They are so greedy, but our family is facing a hurdle for this, so that means we can catch him quickly" I quietly cheered, so that no one could hear us outside. "Did you see how he ran outside, once Naina mentioned who she was, that was epic" Arjun started to laugh. We all laughed at that.

Naina's Pov

"We have to tell Nanu , he shouldn't be missing out on this" I rang him. He picked it up. "Nanu, guess what his name is Rahul, and he is very scared of me, also it's going to take place in 2 days" I tried to control my laughter. I heard Nanu laughing from the other end. "Well done Naina" he was proud of me. "How is Sameer doing?" I asked. "Just keep praying Naina that he wakes up, I really want him back" he was upset. "Nanu, why do I feel he will wake up very soon?" My instinct spoke, and I hung up the phone.

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