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Chapter-27- Sameer's Pov

It was Wednesday today, so it meant it was directed study. No teachers came in to school, only the principal was here. "Naina, can you help me on something?" I asked her. " What can I help you with?" She looked interested. I took out a piece of paper, which had a few digits on. I opened it, and showed it to her. "Can you say this?" I wanted to flirt with her. "I will try" Naina responded.

Naina's Pov

It's so long, how am I going to say it. I put my hand to cover my face. "Sameer I don't know, it's too hard" I looked at him. "It's not hard, keep trying" he looked at me intently. He was coming closer to me, and my heart sped up. I looked down, and shyly smiled. I actually knew what it was, but I was pretending, so that he could flirt with me. We were an inch away, until he whispered in my ear. "This is my number" he sat down in his place. I had goosebumps when he did that to me.
"What's going on here?" Preeti coughed, and I quickly hid the paper in my bag. "Nothing, we were just studying, right Sameer? I told him to play along, by kicking his foot under the table lightly. " Naina is right, I just needed help" I smiled to cover up. " Alright, we believe you" Swathi sat down next to me. "Let's study together" the others sat down with us. We all started to learn.

Sameer's Pov
 I wasn't concentrating, as I kept on looking at Naina. The way she talks, her expressions, the way she laughs, brings life in to me. I put my hand on to my cheek,and kept on smiling like a love sick puppy. As she was explaining, she moved her eyebrows at me to indicate what happened.
"What's going on?" I didn't hear the principal, and I thought it was Naina. "Naina, when did your voice change?" I asked. "Sameer, look up for a second" she clicked her fingers and pointed at the principal. I was shocked, and quickly stood up. "I'm sorry sir" I placed my finger on my ear.

Naina's Pov

We all started to laugh, but it was so adorable. I'm falling deeply in love with Sameer. "Naina, can I talk to you?" He asked. "Sure sir, but can my friends listen?" I asked him on everyone's behalf. "Yes they can" he agreed. "The president of India wants to see you, and he will be coming here soon, to talk to you" he was smiling so much.
"Oh my god, I can't believe this" I jumped on to the table. I'm so excited. "Naina, what kind of miracles, are you creating, that the president is coming to our school?" Sameer asked looking up. "I don't know, but whatever is happening is because of you guys" I sat down on the table. "You made my heart so happy" Swathi blew a kiss at me. "You made our family proud" Preeti kissed my hand. I hugged her so tightly. "No, we did this all together" we had a group hug, and I thanked god.

The news spread like wild fire, and all the students were preparing a grand welcome for the president to arrive. We were all so excited to see him, because none of us have seen him.

Sameer's Pov

The president made a grand entry to our school. He came out of the car, wearing a suit. The principal handed a bouquet of flowers to him, and shook hands with each other. They walked towards us.

Naina's Pov

I was nervous to meet him, because he looked so strict. I went forward, and shook hands. "I'm Naina Aggarwal, it's an honour to meet you" I warmly welcomed myself. "It's great to meet you Naina" he replied back. "Naina, I want to honour you as the first youngest woman to achieve the humanitarian and bravery award, I've noticed a lot about you, and people are coming to me about your dedication, and making a difference in India, it will be a pleasure if you come to Mumbai, and attend the event." He explained.

I was happy at first, but then I was disappointed. I looked at all of my friends. I went back to them, and brought them in front.
" I won't accept this award" everyone was shocked. "Sir, how can I come to Mumbai, when I have sold off everything I used to have, I would love to come to Mumbai, but I don't have money to travel there, sir can I request an alternative? I suggested.

"Why don't we do the event here, it will be an honour for the school, I don't want to leave my friends, and family, I want them to be invited here, I have lived in London for two years on my own, and I hated it" I explained to everyone.
"Amdhabaad is no less than Mumbai, the people over here are so kind, and loving" I looked at all of my friends, and the other students.
"I don't want to be famous, I want to make the state proud, that it achieved something, and has a landmark all over India." I spoke on behalf of everyone. "This School will go down in history, and I'm proud of what this school has given me, I want to invite the needy people here, because they are never recognised on how much hard work they do" I finshed my speech off. Everyone started clapping.

Sameer's Pov

Naina has poured her heart out. She has the confidence to say this in front of everyone. "Actually Naina, your right Mumbai has everything, and Amdhabaad will recieve it's first landmark because of you, you made me understand so clearly, that you should be in my place" He confessed. "No sir, I can never take your place, the public have voted you as the president, so there must be something speacial about you" we all took the blessings of the president. "The event will take place here in school tommorow" he left and drove away.

Naina's Pov

I turned around, and everyone was looking at me bewildered. "Guys what happened to you all?" I waved my hand at everyone. "Naina, you defended the school, and convinced the president to have the event here" The principal said, and that's everyone is looking at you like that.
"No problem sir, it's my duty to represent the school" I ordered. "Preeti, Pandit, Swathi, Munna, and Sameer speak to me, it's boring when you don't talk" I folded my arms together. They all came running at me, and I fell to the floor laughing.
"Finally your all back" I confessed. "Naina, what a solid speech you gave to him, I must say your worth much more" Sameer replied proudly. "Hats off to you" Preeti saluted.

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