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Naina's Pov

I woke up bright, and early. I checked the time; it was 6am. "Preeti, get up don't you want to go?" I nudged her. "Of course, I want to go, she sat up yawning from her beauty sleep. I got off the bed, and took out black ripped jeans, with a mint shirt, and my leather jacket. I went into the guest room to have a bath. After I came out, I decided to wake Arjun up.
"Bro, get up you remember where we are going today?" I shook Arjun. "Thanks Naina, I'm getting up now" I left the room, and went into the kitchen. I made scrambled eggs and toast to share with Preeti and Arjun. "Hurry up guys, we don't have much time" I shouted.
Preeti and Arjun came on time. We started to feed each other, because it was our way of showing love. Once it was finished, Preeti washed the dishes. I headed back inside the room, as I had to collect the car keys, my phone, and the luggage with me. We made sure everything was locked, so that no one could enter the house.
Arjun came with Preeti, and helped put the luggage in the trunk of the car. Preeti sat at the front next to me, whilst Arjun, and Shefali were behind. "Before we leave, do we have everything?" Shefali asked. "I have made sure, we've got all the things we need, so sit back and relax, whilst I put the music on" I turned up the radio. We all put our shades on, and headed off to pick everyone up.

Sameer's Pov
I woke up at 7am sharp. I was thrilled that we were going on an outing. All of this is happening because of Naina. I picked out a white shirt, and blue jeans since it was a sunny day. I quickly had a shower, since I was running out of time. I put my shoes on, and tied the laces. I sprayed my favourite aftershave, after a long time. I grabbed my bag and headed out of the room. I heard a horn coming from outside which meant Naina was here. I stepped outside, and locked the door. Naina got out of the car, and opened the trunk. I placed my luggage carefully. Naina closed the trunk loudly. "Sameer, you have to sit at the front, since Preeti is sitting next to Pandit" she told me. I followed her instructions, and sat.

Naina's Pov

I started the engine, with a loud roar. I had to concentrate as the roads were bendy. " Guys, why don't we play a game" Swathi suggested. I wasn't paying attention, because I was in a different zone. "Let's do a singing competition" Sameer said. "Whose, going to start off first?" Pandit looked at Naina. "You know, I can't sing and drive, it's against the law for me, but I will listen to you" Naina looked ahead. I was amazed by everyone's singing, until the car stopped working. I looked to the left, and saw a dhabha. I opened the door, and checked the problem. It was a flat tyre. "Sorry guys, we have a flat tyre, why don't you take a break, and I will change the tyre" I told everyone.
They all got out of the car, and went towards the dhabha. Sameer came back to me, holding tea. I was too busy in taking the old tyre, and replacing it with a new one.

Sameer's Pov

I decided to give Naina tea, but she was focused on changing the tyre. "I bought tea for you" I handed over the tea. "Thanks, but I don't drink tea, I have black coffee" Naina told me whilst she was unscrewing the vaults. I went back towards the dhabha, and threw the tea on the floor.

Unknown's Pov
Yes boss I see them very clearly. " I want you to kidnap them all, and take them towards a forest, so that Naina can't find them." Boss shouted over the phone. We were spying on Naina's friends, as we hated them for a reason. I slowly got out of the car, and crept towards Naina's friends. I sprayed a poisonous gas which wasn't harmful, and it made them fall asleep.
I asked two of my gang members to place each one of them in the car. Once, that was done, I reversed, and drove towards the nearest woods.

Naina's Pov

I was finally done on fixing the tyre. I stood, and looked towards the dhabha. I'm sure all of them were here 10 minutes ago. I marched towards the owner of the dhabha. "Excuse me, have you seen a group of friends, they were here 10 minutes ago, have you seen them?

I asked worriedly. "No dear, I'm so busy myself, that I don't get the time" he was making parathas. That's strange, I knew I had a instinct that something would go wrong today. My phone started to ring, and I was hoping it was Arjun telling me where everyone was. I looked at the caller ID, and it was an unknown number.

I picked the phone up. "Hi, is this Naina Aggarwal, sorry for ruining your trip, but guess what I have kidnapped your friends, brother and sister" the kidnapper hauntingly told me. "How dare you, just watch what I do to you, you think your so clever" my anger had shooted  up. "Just listen, before I kill them all, I want you to bring 50,000 Rupees in exchange of your friends lives" he demanded.
"Kuttey, kameney mein aarahi hoon, jab mileghe na, toh asay haal kardungi zindigi bhaar yaad rakegha" I threatened, and hung up the phone.

Just wait and watch what happens. Ab mein na karoo ek masterplan toh mera naam Naina Aggarwal nahi hain
Be ready, this lioness is ready to fight back till her last breath.

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