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Sameer's Pov

Do you know why I don't want to say I love you to her yet, it's because Naina's birthday is coming up. This Sameer Maheswari is not behind, I held up my collor. That will be the perfect gift. She dosen't even know her self what surprise I'm planning for her. I need to start making arrangements, since it's in two days. I'll be the first one to wish her. An idea struck my mind. Why don't I wish her the night before, that way no one will find out. I smiled thinking about it.
"Sameer, where are you lost?" Naina clicked her fingers at me. "Nowhere, I was thinking about Nanu, and how happy I am for you that the family is all together" I was excited. "Ok, Naina, were you not scared of saying I love you in front of everyone?" I asked wrapping my arm around her shoulder. "Agar pyaar kiya, toh darna kya" she looked at me lovingly. I was going to take a huge step by expressing my love to her soon. I'll treat her like my Princess that she deserves to be. I just couldn't wait to tease her in school tommorow, like she does to me.

Naina's Pov
I swear there is something going on his mind. Am I overthinking too much? Maybe I am. "Guys, come over here, you need to select your bikes over at our house" I called them over. "Yes your right, let's go now" Munna and Pandit were in a hurry. We all decided to walk to our house. "Naina, I want to go on a bike ride" Swathi, Preeti whispered into my ear. "Your wish is my command" I bowed. I laughed, which made Preeti, and Swathi smile. "Why are you all laughing for?" The boys asked. "It's a top secret, only girls are allowed" Preeti spoke, and put her shades on. "Wow, Preeti your turning in to me" I high-fived her.
"Whoose sister am I?" Preeti gave me a side hug. Sameer just smirked at me, and I just shrugged my shoulders. Pandit pushed Sameer on to me, which made me hold Sameer's hand, and he fell on top of me. This time, I didn't blush, but Sameer was very close to me. I could get lost into his honey-comb brown eyes. I didn't blink even once. I had no control over my body, and my hand went towards his hair. I felt the shiny, soft black hair, and moved it away from his eyes.
I kept looking at him intently, when all of a sudden he touched me near my neck which sent a current down my body. "Sameer, Naina, please get up, I'm hungry" Munna moaned. I sat back up, and we both stood up together. I walked forward, remembering the time, I did something similar, but on his lips.

Sameer's Pov
I do have an effect on Naina, like she does on me. We reached outside of Naina's house. "You can choose whichever bike you want" Naina pointed towards the bikes. Me, Munna and Pandit leapt on to the bikes. "I want this" I sat down on the motorbike which I loved a lot. "This is my favourite colour, so I want this one" Munna argued with me. " I want this one as well" Pandit intervened.

Naina's Pov
I looked at Preeti, and Swathi. We all turned around. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I asked them both. "We are gone" we put our hands on our foreheads. "They are like kids, are you sure they are 16 years old?" Preeti suggested. "Even we don't argue that much" Swathi laughed. "Boys" we all shouted. They all looked back at us. "Why are you arguing over a bike for?" Swathi came forward. " It's the same brand, but different colour" Preeti explained. "I'm sure you will look like heroes riding the bike, and there's something on each bike" I complimented them all. They all chose a different bike.
"Our girls are very mature" Pandit replied back. I went to Pandit, and took out the keys, and shades to give to him. "Pandit, Munna , and Sameer put your black shades on" we all wanted to see them wear it. "You all look so dashing like Salman Khan" we replied, and hugged them all.

Sameer's Pov
Naina came to me. "Sameer, you love this bike a lot?" Naina asked. "I love it because, it's from your hard- earned money" I smiled at her. "So this time your accepting my gift?" She went around me. "I didn't like the other bike, you gifted me, it was too complicated" I moaned.
Sameer remember when you asked me on how I could drive a car?" Naina reminded me.
"Yes, I remember" I thought back to the day when we were in the hospital together. " It's because I have an international driving licence"  She told me. "So that's why you can drive here, how silly am I?" I tapped my head.

Naina's Pov

How cute is Sameer? Just take my heart away. "Sameer, do you know how adorable you are?" I wanted to pull his cheeks. "How much am I?" Sameer wanted to know. " This much"  I spreaded my arms out.  "If I could, I would have wrapped the whole universe, just to give in your hands" I expressed openly. "Do you love me that much?" He was overwhelmed. "Much more than you can imagine" I said back. "Naina, I will see you in school tommorow bye" He was going to drive away. "Bye Sameer" I waved back.

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