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Sameer's Pov

It was a very important day, as Naina would get justice. I slept over at Preeti's. I had made sure I would look smart, and appropriate to court. It was 8am, and the court hearing would start at 10am. Everyone was busy, in getting changed. I had decided that I would wear a suit.
"Sameer, come on we need to eat, we don't have much time"Taiji shouted and knocked on the door. "I'm coming taiji, just give me a minute" I replied back.
I opened the door, and sat down for eating. " I hope everything goes well today" Preeti announced. "I'm sure it will, and I have a feeling we will get justice for Naina" I spoke after I ate.

Naina's Pov
Today, will be my comeback. I can't wait to see my family. I just hope they understand why I did this. I prayed to god to make sure everything is sucessful. I got into my car, carrying the video camera with me, and drove to where Dad and Ashley were. I hope dad learns his lesson today, I'll prove him innocent, but that will be the last time. He needs to accept me whole-heartedly. I stopped at the police station. I got out and an inspector saluted me. "Good morning" I replied. I went inside, and spoke to my senior inspectors. "Naina, you know what to do we have everything set up" my collegue spoke. "Yes sir, and I won't let you down" I saluted. No one knows, that I'm an informer of the police force. I had graduated with top marks in London, to become this. This is what I wanted to do, learn about law, and the criminal justice system.
I walked forward into the cells, to look at my two criminals. "How are you today, you do know it's doomsday for Ashley?" I laughed wickedly. "Naina stop laughing" Dad complained. "You should be grateful, I'm proving you innocent, or I could just leave you to rot in here?" I was about to walk away. "Naina, wait?" Dad put his hand up to stop me. "I'll call you when it's time" I put my shades back on.

Sameer's Pov

It was 9:15am, and we were all ready to go to court. Munna,Pandit and Swati came with us. We had ordered a taxi for us all to travel on. After 20 minutes, we had arrived. The lawyer was waiting for us. "Are we all ready to win this case?" The lawyer motivated us. I saw the advocate walking up the steps. He was in an angry mood. "Don't get your hopes up" he pointed a finger at all of us. He scurried inside. "Don't worry, we will win" I said in a determined voice.
We all entered into the court, and I was surprised to see it. It was amazing. I sat down with all my friends. "Sameer, I'm going to call you up first" the lawyer said to me. I was nervous, but I had to do it for Naina. The judge came, and we all had to stand up. "Please be seated" the judge gestured us to sit down again. Our lawyer stood up. "This case is about, kidnapping, self-defence, and murder,these children were drugged, kidnapped, and tied to a tree, with no explanation from the kidnappers" he spoke in our defence. "Really, no explanation from the kidnapper, you must be joking" the advocate laughed.
"I would like to call upon my first witness into the box, Sameer" he turned to look at me. I stood up, and went inside the box. I had to take an oath. "Main jo bhi bolungha sach bolungha,aur satch ki sawaay kuch ne bolungha" I spoke in front of everyone. "So tell us Mr. Sameer, did you plan this yourself?" He came near me. "What nonsense are you saying, I told you we all got kidnapped, for no reason" I grabbed on to his collor. "Order order" the judge shouted. I let go off him. "We were all eating, when suddenly two men sprayed poisonous gas around us, they took us into the woods, and tied us up, Naina came to save us, the kidnapper shot her, and she died on the spot" I said in one breath.

Naina's Pov

The inspector brought Ashley, dad and the two undercover cops.. We got in to the car, and I drove to the court. After 15 minutes we had arrived. "Naina, you can do this" Rahul said. "You can go inside, and I will bring them all in 5 minutes to tell the actual story" I unlocked the doors, only to lock them again. He had went inside. I was beginning to feel nervous, a as I would come face-to-face with my family. Please god give me the strength. I put my shades back on, and it was time to bring myself dead back to life. I unlocked the doors, and stepped outside. I had gripped on to Ashley, whilst the two undercover cops held on to dad.
 I pushed Ashley inside the court. "Informer Naina Aggarwal, reporting for duty sir" I saluted, and everyone looked back at me with shock. I walked forward with confidence, and pushed Ashley to the floor. "Who are you?" The judge asked. "The real Naina Aggarwal is back" I smirked looking at everyone.

Sameer's Pov

I was shocked to see Naina standing in front of me. She clicked her fingers, and told Rakesh sir to come to the front. "What justice are you both fighting for when I'm standing in front of you?" Naina looked at both of the lawyers. "You all misunderstood the case, and I never actually died" Naina looked at me. "Who's body was that we burned?" I asked angrily. "A duplicate of me" Naina answered back.

Naina's Pov

" Let me start from the beginning, you all got kidnapped, from those two men, that are standing there?" I pointed towards them to come forward. "Those are the men who kidnapped us" Preeti stood up and shouted. "Listen Preeti, you don't know who they are, but I know them very well, they are undercover cops, they had to do this for a mission, and that's why they shot me" I explained to everyone, by lifting my shirt up. "Do you see this, it's called a bulletproof jacket, which means, the bullet can't go through" I sarcastically replied.
"How did you escape the hospital?" Chachi asked. "Long story, short, the police made arrangements for me, and the doctors knew I was alive, I also made arrangements for a dead body to look exactly like mine so that I could complete this mission" I spoke in front of everyone.
"Where was dad all this time?" Arjun asked. "Under Police custody, dad say something or I won't prove you innocent" I threatened dad. " I was part of this plan, and made you all kidnapped, but I swear I'm not the mastermind"  Dad cried. "Naina do you have any evidence to prove this?" the judge asked. I took out the recorder and the photos, and handed them over to the judge. We all heard it, and everyone was disappointed. "How could you Rakesh?" Uncle Pointed a finger at him.
"Let me finish this off once and for all, I took out the phone and gave it to the judge, this is the phone, and it has all the records leading up to the mastermind" I showed the phone to everyone. I gave it to the inspector, so that he could give it to the judge.
"Finally, the best moment of my life, meet my best friend Ashley, all the way from London A.K.A international criminal who is the cause of this" I opened the video camera, for the judge to see, and then everyone saw it." I looked down at Ashley with anger.
" Me and my officers caught her within two days, you all should be lucky that I did this or else I wouldn't have come back, by the way I work in the police force" I put my shades on.
" I hereby declare that Ashley is sent to life time imprisonment, and Rakesh is proven innocent" this case is closed. I walked out of court.

Sameer's Pov

This is all so confusing. The family and I ran after Naina. She was about to sit in her car, when Chachi dragged her out. "Who the hell do you think you are, why did you scare us so much, we actually thought we lost you"chachi slapped Naina. Naina looked back at Chachi. " "Your so stubborn, that's why no one likes you, you just do what you want to do, you never listen to anyone else" Chachi screamed. "Naina we have no relation with you, your dead for us"chachi screamed. "You too aunty, you rubbed salt over my wounds" Naina cried, got in to the car and drove away.

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