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Chapter 31- Naina's Pov

I was riding my bike with Preeti, and Swathi behind me. "Are you having fun?" I shouted with the wind blowing on to our faces. "This is awesome" they both stood up to take in the moment. We were on our way to School. "Naina, go a bit faster" Preeti complained. "Ok, but don't complain that I'm going too fast" I drove a bit faster.
Preeti, and Swathi started singing. "Girls, sit down, or else your going to get hurt, hold on to me" I wanted to keep them safe. They sat down on the bike, with thier arms wrapped around my waist. I had parked the bike, in front of the cycles.

Sameer's Pov

I had witnessed Naina arriving with Preeti and Swathi. Munna, Pandit, and I walked up to them. "Preeti and Swathi get up, we are here" I heard Naina trying to get them up. "We don't want to get off, it was amazing, and I want to go again" Preeti moaned. "After school, we are going home on the same bike" they all got off.
"Hi guys, you came early to school" Naina asked. "We were waiting for you" I stepped forward to Naina. Naina stepped back very slowly as I came near her.

Naina's Pov

What is Sameer trying to do? Whenever he comes closer to me, why do I become nervous? Why does my heart beat so fast? I didn't realise where we were until I bumped into a tree. He put his arms around on the tree so that I had no where to go. He leant forward towards my face. "Don't make me wait for so long, I need you, your my addiction" he moved a strand of my hair to the other side. "Your becoming very daring" I whispered in his ear. "This is just the beginning, sweetheart, just wait and watch" he stepped back.

Sameer's Pov

I left her shell- shocked. I really teased her today. I had almost done the preperations for her birthday. I walked back to my friends. "Hey, where did you go?" Pandit asked. "Where do you think I went?" I spoke in a double meaning. "Where is Naina?" They all looked for her.

Naina's Pov

I got out of the trance. I love this new Sameer. Since it was such boiling day, I decided to put sun cream on my arms and face, since I wasn't used to this weather. I put my shades on to cover my eyes, and whistled towards my friends. "Watsup" I said in my British accent. I looked at Sameer, and decided to get him back. I finshed wiping my arms. "Why do you keep touching your arms?" Munna asked. "It's such a hot day, so I put sun cream on, I don't want to burn" I explained.
"Where did you go?" Preeti asked. "Someone trapped me against a tree" I looked at Sameer, but he was telling by his eyes to say no. "Really, who was it?" Swathi wanted to know. Now it was my turn to get payback. "Why don't I show you all?" My bold side was coming out. I went towards Sameer, and lightly pushed him towards the wall. "That's so hot Naina" Preeti blushed. I trapped him this time. I went closer to him, and pulled his cheek. " I love you Sameer, but next time you tease me jaan, I will beep beep and beep" I whispered in his ear, stepped back, and winked.
"Hayye, maar daala hum sabko Naina nay" Munna was over the moon. Sameer blushed on what I did to him.

Sameer's Pov

I'm burning in her love. My heart raced a thousand beats per minute. I didn't expect Naina to do this in front of our friends. Bold Naina is hot. Now I just can't wait to express my love to her tommorow. "Sameer, let's go to the library, we need to pick out a few books for our exams soon" Naina suggested. " Oh yes, I completely forgot about our mid-term exams" Swathi said. "I hate exams, and I don't want to fail" Preeti moaned. "Why fear, Naina is here, we can do a group study, in that way we can all teach each other on what subjects we are best at?" Naina spoke with intelligence.  "That's a great idea" Pandit agreed. We all agreed that we would meet up for exam study.

Naina's Pov

We all entered the library, and I ran to search for the book I needed. I looked in every aisle, and I couldn't find it. I'm sure I kept that book, here a week ago. "Are you looking for this book?" Sameer had in his hand. I got so scared, that I was about to fall, but Sameer caught me on time.
"You just want a chance to fall into my arms" he spoke seductively. I looked into his dreamy eyes, and I forgot about on where we were. "Yes" I didn't know what I was saying. "I love falling in to your arms, because it's the safest place, and I know you will never let me fall" I spoke on whatever my heart was telling me to say. "I trust you more than myself, and even if we are apart, I would come running back into your arms" I stood up.
I held on to his hand, and kissed it. I looked back up at him. "Your the one Sameer" I walked off.

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