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 Naina's Pov

Oh, so they do care about me? But I'm sticking to this new routine. "Owch" I cringed. "Sorry Naina,for putting you through so much pain" Preeti looked up at me. "Actually, I liked the pain, you gave me, I got promoted in a job today" I smiled looking outside the window. "When did you start working again?" Pandit smiled at me.
"When I got ousted out of the house" I hated to say this. "It's made me become more responsible, and I lived in a chawl" I smiled remembering my family. I will go and visit them tommorow. Sameer looked at me lovingly. I blushed, and looked at my right hand. It's not long to go now before I say I love you.

Sameer's Pov

"Naina, how do you manage all this pain, even after what we said to you?" Swathi asked. "Your my best friends, and you all had the right to shout at me when I'm wrong, but when Preeti left, it killed me" Naina looked away to wipe her tears. "I'm so sorry Naina, I shouldn't have done that to you" Preeti and Swathi  hugged Naina. "Guys, I can't breathe, your hugging me too tight" Naina laughed. "Drama queen" Munna added.

Naina's Pov

"Munna tuh toh gaya?" I stood up and chased all over the room. "Someone save me" Munna laughed. We all started laughing. "Naina careful" Sameer was concerned about me. Hayee Dil le lo. My heart started to beat faster whenever he would say my name. "Are you all staying over tonight?" I asked. "Yes we are" they all came to hug me. A lot of love from these guys.

(Skip to the next day)

I got up, with the sun disturbing my eyes. As soon as I jumped out of bed, I headed towards the bathroom. "Naina, open the door we want to brush our teeth" they all moaned. "Okay" I unlocked the door. They all came in. What was it today? Follow the leader. We all brushed our teeth together. I put my uniform on, and tied my hair like I did yesterday.

Sameer's Pov
We all went outside. Naina started walking. We drove our motorbikes matching Naina's speed. "Hey Naina, why don't you sit next to Sameer on his bike?" Preeti insisted. "Preeti, I thought you knew me, I always do a morning walk to the the temple now, if you all want to go to school you can go, but I have a few things to say to god" I walked forward. "We are going to follow you everywhere today" I smiled looking at Naina.
We reached the temple, and Naina ran inside. She rang the bell, and joined her hands together carefully. We all came after her. "Dear god, thank you so much for bringing my best friends into my life again, I'm very happy, but god you tested me a lot yesterday, and I passed with flying colours, I just need to make Chacha,Chachi,Dad and taiji proud of me, you will help me right, and yes god, I'm loving India so much" Naina smiled and told her prayer.

Naina's Pov

We all finshed our prayers, and headed towards School. A day in the life of Naina. They were all following me like cute puppets. "Naina, we get to spend the day with you" Pandit was excited. I turned around, and walked backwards. "Welcome to my world, today you will see a totally changed Naina, and mind you it took me a long time to come to this" I opened my arms up.
"Let's sit together?" Sameer suggested. "Awesome idea" Preeti winked. We all entered class, and sat together. I was sitting next to Sameer. Shanti ma'am arrived. "Ma'am Naina won't be able to stand up or write her notes because of yesterday, so I'll be writing them for her" Sameer defended me. "That's fine" she agreed. I was impressed by Sameer, I'm not the only one who is in love. Once class had ended, we all walked out of School.
"Now it's time for work, I work in a construction site, and I'm a manager now, so my boss won't be irritated by you all" I gestured them all to follow me.

Sameer's Pov

I love this Naina so much. Naina stopped, because she saw an old man wanting to cross the road. She went up to him. "Uncle, don't worry, I will help you cross the road" Naina helped him carefully. I couldn't help, but blush. She came back to us, and we carried on walking. We finally made it to the construction site. We all went inside, but didnSpot her boss.

Naina's Pov

Uncle had left a note, and it was my responsibility to complete all the jobs. I went back out, and started to make the concrete mix. "Naina, is this what you do?" Munna asked. "Yes Munna, now watch me do my work, you can all help me if you want to?" I started to put the concrete mix on top of the brick wall. They all helped me give the bricks. "Naina, I'm sure your hand is hurting?" Sameer passed me a brick. "No pain,no gain" I looked back at him.
"Why are you doing all of this?" Sameer looked pained. "To change myself, that girl that came from London, has come a long way" I looked at him with love in my eyes. "I can't see you in so much pain" he cried. I wiped his tears away. "Don't cry, I hate to see your tears" I smiled genuinely. He smiled back at me.
Once that was finished, I went back inside. I had to ring a few people. I sat down, and my friends came inside. "Hello, am I talking to Mr.Patel, how are things going on over there, are we up to date with everything?" I wanted to confirm. "Yes, everything is perfect" He told me , and I put the phone down.

Sameer's Pov
"How do you manage everything on your own?" Preeti asked. "Experience and independancy" I collected my wage. I had made 3000 Rupees. "Here this is for you, all since you helped me today?" Naina gave us 500 Rupees. I was falling in love with her everyday.

Naina's Pov

It was time to visit my second family. "Come on I want you to visit someone. I gestured them to come with me. I knocked on the door,and dad opened it. I took his blessings. "Where were you dear, I got so worried yesterday?" He asked with concern. "Sorry, Dad, but I was at my aunt's house, do you know I got promoted in my job yesterday" l went to hug him. "Wow, congratulations" he patted me on the back. "Who are these guys?" He asked. " They are like my family, which I can share anything with them" I looked back at them all, and they were emotional.
I took out a 1,000 Rupees. "Dad, this is for you, it's all because you, that I've reached so far, please buy something, for yourself, and tell mom, and Pralay, that I'm going to miss them" I thanked him.
"Naina, I'm so thankful that I met you, the first time we met at the temple, I knew there was something speacial, and you came into my life as a guardian angel" Dad hugged me.

Sameer's Pov

Naina has changed completely. "We never knew you could do this, it takes a lot of time to change yourself, so this is what you've been doing whilst we were apart, I'm so proud of you that you are my sister" we all left the chawl.
" A day in the life of Naina is completed" she blew kisses at us

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