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Naina's Pov

" So Rohan and Deepika we will learn about English Writing today" I suggested. " We hate English" they moaned. "What is there to hate, it's simple, it's just story telling, and you can make it imaginative" I wrote down the basics of a story. "Naina do you mean beginning, middle, and end" Deepika spoke up. "Intelligent" I high-fived Deepika. "So Naina,you have to use adjectives, verbs, punctuation, basically everything to make a story interesting " Rohan added in. "Amazing, your memories are very sharp, we'll easily learn everything together. "But I'm sure, we will have to do government exams, to get to the next year" Rohan was tensed. "Don't worry Rohan, and Deepika, I'll arrange everything for you" I removed thier worries.

"Deepika, and Rohan I want you both to come up with a plan for your story, it dosen't matter if your story is scary, or romantic I know you both will do really good" I instructed them what do. I gave them each 15 minutes to decide on what they wanted to do. "We are done" they both repeated at the same time. "Now start writing your story, I will give you one hour and thirty minutes to finish the activity, and if you need any help I'm here just shout my name" I sat down looking at them admiringly, whilst they started to write. Preeti, and Swathi came to me. "What are you teaching them? I pulled them to a corner so that we wouldn't distract them. "Story writing, it will help them improve thier skills, and grammer" I whispered. "That's really good, your taking us back to School" Preeti winked. "How's Sameer coming along, have you recorded him?" I asked. "Munna, and Pandit are doing it, Sameer is really impressive, and his singing is to die for, once you watch the recording you will fall in love with him all over again" Swathi expressed. "By the sounds of it, he will get far in life, but listen we need to reunite Sameer with his parents, maybe once they see Sameer achieving his dream, and proving them wrong, everything will fit into place" I told them what I was thinking.

Sameer's Pov

Munna, and Pandit were recording me through a video camera. I sang my heart away, and looked in front to give eye contact. I was enjoying singing as it was my stress buster. The feelings, and the depth is what made me sing so passionately. I was whisked away into a different world. I was imagining my fans chanting my name, when I entered the stage. I was finished recording the song. "Munna, and Pandit how was it?" I wanted to know thier views. "It was awesome yaar, what can we say, let's look at it together?" Pandit gestured me to come forward. "Wow, is that really how I sing?" I was shocked at myself. "Yes Sameer, that's why we keep telling you, that there is something special about you, you have a charm which is pulling us towards you" my best friends complimented me. "Aww, your so sweet, and loving" I made thier cheeks go all red. "You will never change Sameer" they hugged me both.

Naina's Pov

"Your time is up, put your pens down" I looked at my watch, and began to smile at them. "You both written two pages, that's a lot, but it shows how focused you were" I caressed both of thier cheeks. I started to read both of thier stories, and it was really very interesting, much better than I had expected. "I'm so proud of you both that I'm teaching you, you both are going to be inspirations one day, mark my words, these stories are the best, and for that here is your treat, your favourite ice-cream" I surprised them both, and gave it to them.

"How did you know this is our favourite?" Rohan, and Deepika looked confused. "I don't know, I just made a random guess, to me you are coffee lovers, so I made Coffee flavoured ice-cream for you both, I don't want to be a typical strict teacher, and I really love you both so much, that's why I want to get to know you better" they hugged me emotionally.

Rohan's Pov

What our parents couldn't do, Naina Bhabhi is showering her love towards us. It's not even been three days, since our parents got kicked out of here, and here is Naina showing her motherly love. "Naina di, you are the best teacher, lover, companion, and inspiration for us, no one is better than you, if I had to choose between the world, and you, I would always pick you as my role model, seriously what are you made out of?" I cried through my heart. Naina patted me on the back, to calm me down. "Rohan, and Deepika listen to me, always remember I'm going to be with you every step of the way, and it dosen't matter where you want to go, or what you want to achieve, I'm going to be there through all the ups, and downs, by the way crying dosen't suit us, smiling does" Naina took the pain away.

Sameer's Pov

I was really emotional seeing Naina, Rohan and Deepika bonding so well together. Whatever Rohan said was absolutely true. Naina is an inspiration. I went towards them. "Look at you all, gelling up together, I'm glad everything is fine between us all" I hugged them all. "Who wants to see my recording?" Everyone put thier hands up. We all sat down, and watched me perform. "Bloody hell, what was that, your voice gives me the shivers?" Naina stood up, and complimented my singing. I stood up, and went closer to Naina. "Really?" I lifted her up, and twirled her around.

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