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Naina's Pov

I woke up with a smile on my face. It was 6:30am. Monday people normally think that I don't want to go to school, but here's me being very excited. I got off the bed, and streched. I opened the wardrobe, and took my school uniform out. It's strange that I'm wearing this, but I think it's very pretty to represent the school.
I brushed my teeth up and down. The memories of the surprise party came into mind. My god, Naina what did you do, I never thought I would be that romantic. I quickly had a shower, and changed into my uniform. I looked in the mirror, and it wasn't so bad that I thought it would be. Sometimes, I just stereotype people, and the clothes they were. Instead of doing the two simple braids, I went for the fishtail braid.
I took out my school bag from underneath my bed, to make sure I had everything. Perfect, now I just need to walk to school. I put my shoes on, and quietly closed the door. It all looked so peaceful outside. I went down the stairs, and saw a few kids playing. "Di, where are you going?" The kids ran to me. "I'm going to school" I hugged all of the kids.
I was walking along the road, when suddenly I saw a man running after a child. He was holding some fruit in his hand. "Uncle, what happened, why are you running?" I asked walking towards him. "That child stole some fruit, and hasn't given money for it" he was about to run when I stopped him. I took some money out from my bag, and placed in his hand. "Dear, why did you give the money?" He looked confused. "Some people are dying because of malnutrition, and they can't afford this, so I'm giving you the money, and help people if they are in need" I carried on walking.
I left that man shell shocked.
I checked the time on my watch, and it was 7:15 am. I reached school way before time. I sat down under the tree, and started to study.

Sameer's Pov
We were all riding our bikes to school. Preeti with Pandit, and Munna with Swathi. We were annoyed with Naina, as she hid such a big thing from us. But I had a feeling, that Naina must be upset with her family. We all got off the bikes, and parked it near the school. We were about to enter school, when I saw someone looking very different.

Naina's Pov

"Naina what are you doing here?" I looked up and saw the Principal. "Oh, hi sir I came very early today" I stood up. "Wow, you look so different today" the Principal complimented me. "Thank you, and I'm sorry for tricking you into not wearing the uniform, it's not that bad, I love it already" I smiled looking at him. I crouched down, and took my principal's blessings. He was very happy. I stood up. "Naina, your changing slowly" he looked at me, and I looked at Sameer. I grabbed my bag, and went towards my friends.
"Hi guys" I waved at them. "We don't want to talk to you" Swathi moaned. I just smiled looking at them all. "Am I that bad?" I said cutely. "Your very bad Naina" Preeti looked at me with anger. "Your right, I am bad, but are you not going to ask me where I was?" I tried not to let them see my pain. "Where were you?" Sameer asked. I turned around. "At the temple" I walked inside the school.

Sameer's Pov
Preeti and Swathi were being harsh with Naina. "Why did you talk to her like that for?" I angrily asked. "I have no relation with her anymore" Preeti pointed a finger at me. I ran inside the school, and started to search for Naina. She was in class, skipping pages of a maths textbook. "I'm sorry for what Preeti and Swathi said to you" Naina looked up. "It's okay Sameer, I understand where they are coming from, I always betray everyone" Naina calmly replied. "Where is your car?" I looked confused. "It's where it's supposed to be, I sold it, I came walking today" Naina spoke with honesty. What is happening to Naina, I swear she is someone else, and not the Naina I know.

Naina's Pov

The bell rang, and everyone sat down. As soon as the teacher came, I stood up. "Good morning Ma'am" I said first. "Morning Naina" she replied back. "You look very different today" shanti ma'am looked at me. "What's so different, I look the Same as every one else." I sat down. I was suffering a migraine in class, so I couldn't comcentrate. I looked outside the window, and randomly smiled.

Sameer's Pov

Naina is behaving so strange today. I looked at her and she was smiling at the window. "Naina will you tell us the answer?" Shanti ma'am questioned. "I love you ma'am" she wasn't paying attention. The whole class started laughing except me. Naina stood up. "Aww,how cute, take your hand out" ma'am shouted. Naina didn't hesitate. Ma'am hitted her hard with a ruler.

Naina's Pov

I was smiling through the pain. "Why are you smiling?" Shanti looked confused. "You won't understand, the way I do" I smiled looking at Sameer. "You have every right to teach me, hurt me and to scold me" I looked proudly at my teacher. "By the way, the answer is twenty seven thousand, five hundered and twenty four" I shook my head giving the answer. "How did you do that?" She looked at me as if I was a professor. "I have a photogenic memory" I placed my hand on my head. "What does that mean?" Sameer asked. "It means whenever you learn something, it sticks in to your memory as a photo" I sat down. My first punishment from the teacher. I knew Sameer was pained looking at this, but I wasn't going to give up so easily.

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