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Naina's Pov

It was results day. Preeti kept praying to god. "Naina are you not worried about the results?" I walked in front to put my shoes on. "Your forgetting, that I'm a topper" I lifted my collor up. "Just pray for me, I need to pass, or else mom will scold me" she held on to my hands. "Alright, but I taught you, there should be no reason, that you won't achieve high" we went downstairs,holding our school bags.
"Let's take the car today, I'm not feeling too well" Preeti rubbed her head. I took my car keys, out of my pocket, and opened the door. I helped her sit down, and put her seatbelt on.
I ran to the other side, and started the engine. I did a three point turn, and zoomed out of the society.
"Will you teach me how to drive, I want to learn" Preeti asked out of interest. "Definitely, I would love to, and in that way you will become independent" We were at a red stop. I told her the basics of the car, and how to start, and stop. "Where were you that night, I woke up, and you were not there?" She asked turning towards me.
I started to drive. "It was Sameer's confession night, and we celebrated my birthday" I looked at the promise ring he gave me. We had managed to arrive in school on time. "Preeti, stay cool, and collective, we can see our results together" we both closed the door. I gave Preeti moral support by holding her hand. I saw Swathi waiting for us.

Sameer's Pov

Me, and the boys got off the bike. "I'm so nervous for the results, if I don't pass, I'll have to join my dad's bussiness" Pandit cried out of fear. "Nothing will happen, we are there for you" Munna replied. I hugged my friends, and we entered the school. I saw Naina, Preeti, and Swathi waving at us. We walked towards them. "Are you all ready for the results?" Naina asked excited. "We are all so scared, and your jumping for joy" Munna was tensed. "They are putting up the results in 5 minutes" Swathi confirmed.

Naina's Pov

"Guys, we will all pass with flying colours" I motivated them. "Whatever happens, will be for the best" I looked at each one of them. The principal had put up the results. "Lets go, before it gets crowded" I walked forward, but none of them came with me. I turned around. "Please come, if you don't I will have to drag you all" I walked behind them. I started to push them all. "Naina, we don't want to go" they all moaned. "You have not even seen your results yet, and your moaning" I pushed them towards the results board.
They all covered thier eyes. "Seriously, open your eyes now" I was getting irritated. "Naina, why don't you say our results" Sameer spoke.
"Alright fine I will say it" I looked up at the board. I was impressed with the results that we got. "Munna- 100% Swathi- 100% Preeti 100% Pandit 100% Sameer 100%, and me 100%, we all topped" I was so happy for all of us.
"Naina, your not lying right?" They all asked. "See for yourselves" I walked into the playground.

Sameer's Pov

We all opened our eyes, and checked. Naina was not lying, we all topped for the first time. "Oh my god, I can't believe it, we all passed" Preeti was the happiest. We all ran, and hugged Naina. "Now do you believe me, that I made you all toppers?" Naina turned around, and smiled at us. "We salute you, now we know how you became a topper in London" Naina lifted her collor. "Wherever, I go I leave magic everywhere, I'm really proud of you all" Naina became emotional. We all wiped her tears. "No Naina, you are our best friend, the amount of risks you have took, is unbelievable" Pandit side-hugged Naina. "Pandit is right, thank you so much for this" Preeti leapt on to Naina.

Naina's Pov

"We should celebrate our victory, guys it's party time at my house" I shouted. They were all so excited. "Naina, I'll go and get changed, and then come to your house" Sameer said. "I'll miss you, come soon" I hugged him. We all left the school, and I took all the others in my house.
We went upstairs, and opened the door whilst we were chatting. "What marks did you all get?" Chachi was holding a rolling pin. We all stopped, and hugged. "Mom, we all topped our exams" Preeti putted the rolling pin. "Is it true?" Chachi cried. "Yes,Chachi, and all the credit goes to Naina" Munna appreciated me.

Sameer's Pov

I was ready for the party. Nanu will be proud of me that I topped my exams. Naina will always be my lucky charm. I went outside, and started to drive to her house. There was a car driving behind me, I don't know why, but it wanted to get in front of me. The driver horned at me, but I wasn't going to give them any space. I didnt realise when the car hit, the back of my bike, and I went flying on to the ground with blood flowing from my head.

Nanu's Pov

I was driving on the roads, going back home until I saw a body, that looked very familiar. I stopped the car, and got out. I went closer to the body, and turned it around. What I saw in front of me, shocked myself. No this cannot happen. It's impossible. Sameer get up. I somehow managed to get him in to the car. I brought him to the hospital, and the doctors started operating him

I rang Naina's house, and she picked up the phone. "Hello, Naina please come to the hospital, Sameer has been admitted" I told her, and put the phone down.

Naina's Pov

My whole world fell apart. No this can't happen. "Sameer" I cried. I fell to the floor. "Naina, what happened?" They all came running to me. "Sameer is admitted in hospital, Nanu rang" I told them "What?" they all were shocked. "Lets go to the hospital" I got up, and we all sat down in the car. I didn't care about the speed limits, and we all got out of the car.
We all saw Nanu in tears. I ran to him. "What happened to Sameer?" I asked impatiently. "A car knocked Sameer over the edge" he turned to face us.
"Nanu, we all have to be strong, and we will all support you in this time" we all hugged him with tears. The doctor came out. "I'm sorry to say this, but Sameer has gone into coma" the doctor left. Nanu was shattered, because Sameer was his support system. I stood up, and looked towards my friends. "We are not going to Spare them, whatever happens, we will hunt them down, and give them a death sentence" we all took an oath.

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