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Naina's Pov

It was lunch time, and I had enough money to buy something. I was waiting in line patiently, when a junior came in front of me. He tapped me. I looked down. "Pralay, what are you doing here?" I was shocked to see him. "Di, I forgot my money at home, and I'm really hungry" he patted his tummy. "Don't worry, we can eat together in one plate, it increases love between us" I held on to his hand.
It was our turn, and I let Pralay decide on what he wanted to eat. "Pralay, what shall we choose?" I lifted him up. "Di I want Samasos and water" he kissed me on the cheek. I placed him on the ground. I payed for the food, and sat outside.

Sameer's Pov

I was jealous of that small boy who held Naina's hand. Only I have the right to touch her hand. "Did you see what Naina did?" Pandit asked. "What's so speacial about that boy, that Naina payed for his food?" Preeti wondered. " I don't know guys, but let's find out" we all marched outside. Naina was feeding the small boy, and smiling. "Wait, let's see what Naina does?" Munna stopped us all.

Naina's Pov

"Di, let's play a game?" Pralay decided. "Which game do you want to play?" I replied. He started to think by putting his finger on his chin. I started to laugh at him. "Di, what's so funny?" He looked at me confused. "Your so adorable, by doing this" I stood up and went towards him. "Di your it" He ran away. I tried to catch him, but he was very fast for me. "Pralay look" I pointed towards my friends. " I caught you" I cheered. "You cheated" he crossed his arms together. "Your too fast for me" I complimented him. He hugged me, and I smiled looking at everyone. "Di, what happened to your hand?" Pralay blew on to my hand.  "Nothing, I deserve this" Pralay is mature for his age.

Sameer's Pov
I've never seen Naina smile so much, not even with us. We all walked forward towards Naina. "Excuse me, but who is this boy your playing with?" Preeti pointed a finger at him. He was scared, and hid behind Naina. "Don't worry, bhai, your di is here, please don't be scared" Naina crouched down, and wiped his tears. "Preeti, why are you scaring him?" Naina asked.

Naina's Pov

" I didn't even do anything" Preeti looked at all of us. "Your tone says it all, you hate me right, then talk to me, please don't shout at him, he's my brother, even though we are not blood-related, but Preeti I love you too, do you see this bond, I wanted this, and Pralay is giving it to me" I came, and hugged Preeti. Preeti pushed me on to the floor. "This is what you deserve" she taunted me, and left.
"Preeti, you don't mean that, please come back, I thought the elders are angry at me, but not you guys" I ran off.

I really don't have anyone in my life. Someone touched my shoulder, and gave me a tissue. "Thanks" I wiped my nose. I turned around to see Sameer, Munna, and Pandit. My face became pale, it had lost the charm that I used to have. I was about to walk away, when Sameer called me. "Naina, what is happening to you?" Sameer questioned.
I gave a smile. "People change, but I'm changing for the better, I want to win back your trust, and I'm sure I will prove it to you one day, no matter what happens, I won't even fight back, until you all tell me to, I won't even raise a hand until you all give me the permission, I won't even touch a gun" I promised them that. I felt relieved, after I had said that, and walked out of school with bruises on my palm and elbow.

I had to go to work now, as it was very important. I had to finish the brick work off.
I entered the construction site, and set myself to work. I was struggling, because my right hand was paining.
"Dear, what happened to your hand, come I'll put a bandage around it" Abhijeet uncle told me to follow him. He bought me inside his office, and got the first aid box. He took out the antiseptic cream, and applied it to my palm. I closed my eyes tight, to maintain the pain. Once the pain had lowered, I slowly opened my eyes. My uncle put a bandage around my hand. "Naina, you can't work in this condition" Uncle told me. "Please uncle, I want to work" I begged. " Naina, I want to promote you, you'll be working in this office with me as a manager" Abhijeet confessed.
"Oh my god, really uncle, I can't believe it, this is one of the moments I will cherish forever" I exclaimed.
"Come, and start working with me tommorow, you'll be earning triple the money" he smiled.
I left the office. God your showing me a way, and I'm so thankful to you. Every bad has a good side. If the teacher didn't hit me, and if Preeti didn't push me I wouldn't have gotten promoted. This love is changing me, I'm becoming more responsible. I can't wait to tell dad when I get home.

Sameer's Pov
Me, Munna, Pandit and Swathi are at Preeti's house. What Naina told me was overwhelming.  She is slowly melting my heart. "Preeti, you didn't do the right thing by pushing Naina" Pandit complained. "I pushed her by accident, I didn't mean to do it" Preeti begged in front of Pandit. "She is your sister, and you treated her like a pile of dirt, don't forget, she was the one who saved you from those bullies" Pandit reminded us all.
" Come on kids it's time for food" Chachi shouted outside from the door. "We will talk about this later" Pandit sat down to eat. We were all eating together, when suddenly a group of thieves, knocked down the door, and entered. "We want Naina Aggarwal, and if she is not here, we will kill you all" the thieves threatened us.
"How dare you come into my house?" Chachi was about to slap, when one of the thieves twisted her arm.
"Do you see the consequences now?" The thief took out a knife, and placed near her neck.
We were all under threat, and tied up again.

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